This is not strange because you are carrying a new life inside! With the sudden changes of strong and new hormones, pregnancy can be extremely difficult. Periods are uncomfortable in many different ways.
But for those who are pregnant for the first time, all the new aches and pains range from lower abdominal pain. pain in the right iliac fossa can cause confusion and anxiety and is often quite scary. So what is normal pain and what is not normal?
Normal types of pain and nothing to worry about:
Bloating or constipation
Bloating and constipation are very common during pregnancy because the pregnancy hormone progesterone causes muscle relaxation. Smoothness in both the esophagus and intestines. Normally, the intestines will contract to push waste down and out. But with this slowdown, it will be more difficult for the body to expel waste, clogging things up and possibly causing pain lower abdomen during pregnancy. The buildup of gas can be so painful that some patients go to the emergency room thinking of a more serious cause. And it can cause quite persistent pain. The best way to prevent bloating and constipation is to eat small amounts of fiber several times a day and drink plenty of water. If you are experiencing abdominal pain due to bloating or constipation, stool softeners may also help.
Sharpening pain in the lower abdomen due to sudden movements
As your pregnancy progresses and your belly gets bigger and bigger two ligaments hold the uterus to the wall. The abdomen – called the round ligaments – begins to stretch, causing pain. This type of pain usually starts around 12 to 14 weeks and becomes more noticeable during the second trimester. The pain feels like a pulling or sharp pain in the lower half of the abdomen on both sides of the uterus. You will usually notice this type of pain more with sudden movements such as turning over or twisting side to side. Good news: Round ligament pain is limited to one area and when you stop moving, the pain will gradually subside.
Pulled thread contractions one to two minutes long
Most pregnant women know that labor includes uterine contractions, but many What people don’t know is that contractions can appear as early as the second trimester (and are most common in the last trimester). These contractions, called Braxton Hicks contractions, are a normal part of pregnancy and while they may be uncomfortable they usually do not cause pain. These contractions are similar to the contractions a woman feels during labor, only they are not painful and usually do not occur in a certain pattern or last long. The uterus will harden and “bulge” in the abdomen and the contraction may last for a minute or two before the uterus relaxes. Braxton Hicks contractions are also called “rehearsal contractions” because they help mothers prepare for labor and allow them to practice breathing exercises taught in prenatal classes.
What can trigger Braxton Hicks contractions? Physical activity of the bladder is fraught with sex (you may see contractions afterwards) and dehydration. To get rid of these contractions, try the following advice from the American Pregnancy Association:
1. Change your position: If you’re standing, try sitting or lying down. If you are sitting, get up and walk around. Walking might be a good idea.
2. Warm bath: Sit in the tub for 30 minutes or less.
3. Stay hydrated: Drink a few glasses of water (as contractions can occur due to dehydration).
4. Drink warm water: Drink a cup of tea or warm milk.
If the above methods don’t work, call your doctor.
You should call your doctor if you experience the following types of pain:
1 . Sudden pain in the right abdomen during pregnancy
This could be appendicitis. Appendicitis is the most common reason for emergency surgery during pregnancy. About 0 1% of women will develop appendicitis during pregnancy and it is most common in the second trimester. The pain can be sudden and can be sharp or dull, often accompanied by fever, inability to eat, nausea and vomiting. Because appendicitis symptoms are common during pregnancy, the disease can be difficult to diagnose. See a doctor immediately if you have pain and suspect something is wrong. Your doctor may perform an ultrasound to see if appendicitis is the culprit.
2. Pain in the right upper abdomen after eating
Slow digestion also slows down the emptying of the gallbladder, which can lead to stones honey. If the case is not too severe, gallstones can be treated conservatively by adjusting the diet including avoiding greasy fried foods. Occasionally some patients will need surgery, but in most cases gallstone surgery can be delayed until after birth. Gallstones are often accompanied by pain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen that occurs after eating a greasy meal. If cholecystitis occurs, symptoms will include fever and increased pain that does not go away. In this case surgery may be necessary.
3. Sudden pain in the right upper abdomen accompanied by nausea
Preeclampsia is a condition specific to pregnancy often accompanied by sudden increases in blood pressure and damage to other organs (usually the kidneys and liver). The disease usually occurs in the last trimester, but some women, such as those who are overweight and have multiple pregnancies, are often monitored for this condition earlier. A common symptom is pain in the upper abdomen typically below the right costal margin (location of the liver). Preeclampsia can also cause nausea, vomiting, headaches, vision problems and difficulty breathing. If the pain is new or sudden and persistent the mother needs to be evaluated especially if there were problems with blood pressure during pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia can lead to complications for both mother and baby including labor Therefore, careful monitoring is required. If you have pain in the upper abdomen at any time during pregnancy, talk to your doctor.
4. Pain accompanied by vaginal bleeding
Sadly, 15 to 20% of pregnancies ending in miscarriage. Dull sharp pain or cramping pain in the abdomen or lower back accompanied by bleeding is a warning sign. Light bleeding spots are normal during pregnancy but no vaginal bleeding More than one tampon per hour is grounds to call the doctor. If bleeding is accompanied by severe abdominal pain early in pregnancy it could also be a sign of an ectopic or fallopian tube pregnancy. fertilized fetus implants in the fallopian tube (or elsewhere in the abdomen) instead of the uterus. If you miss your period and have severe pain in the right or left quadrant bleeding and/or vaginal bleeding, dizziness or lightheadedness, it could be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy and is a medical emergency. . You need to see a doctor immediately to get treatment as soon as possible.
A few things you can do to minimize abdominal pain during pregnancy</strong >
For both common and severe colic lifestyle plays a big role. Maintaining a hydrated, balanced diet and avoiding greasy, fried foods is important during pregnancy, says Jones. Early detection is also key. If you feel unwell and your symptoms seem to be getting worse, tell your doctor immediately. In other words, when in doubt, clarify!
Cam Tu
According to Self