America’s 20 greatest presidents

According to Business Insider, a survey conducted by C-SPAN on leadership capacity as president took the opinions of 91 historians and biographers to determine as a basis for ranking 43 presidents in American history. There are 10 criteria given to rank American leaders including: ability to persuade the public, crisis leadership, economic management, leadership ethics, international relations, administrative skills, and public relations. relationship with parliament, vision, ensuring equality for all and achievements after the working term.

The scores for each criterion will then be added up and averaged, then that gives the final result. Some notable names in the top positions include former President Abraham Lincoln – who held the top position three times in a row, former President George Washington at number 2, or former President George W. President Barack Obama is at number 12.

While some historians are not surprised that Mr. Obama did not rank high on the list this time because this is the first time he ranked, some others were surprised because they thought the former US president should have been ranked higher. The 44th President of the United States ranked 7th in the criteria of leadership ethics and 8th in economic management.

This is the 3rd time C-SPAN has conducted a survey on the capacity of American presidents. The previous two times were in 2000 and 2009.

Below is a list of America’s 20 greatest presidents:

1: Abraham Lincoln

Highest ranked criteria: Crisis leadership (no. 1) administrative skills (number 1) vision (number 1) ensuring equality for all (number 1) (Photo: Wikimedia)

2: George Washington

Highest ranked criteria: Economic management (no. 1) leadership ethics (number 1) achievements during working term (number 1) (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

3: Franklin D. Roosevelt</strong >

Highest ranked criteria: Public persuasion (No. 1) International relations (No. 1) (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

4: Theodore Roosevelt

Highest ranked criteria: Public persuasion (No. 2) (Photo: Reuters)

5: Dwight D. Eisenhower

Title Highest ranked criterion: Ethical Leadership (No. 4) (Photo: BI)

6: Harry S. Truman

Highest ranked criteria: Crisis leadership (No. 4) (Photo: Getty)

7: Thomas Jefferson< /strong>

Highest ranked criteria: Relations with Congress (No. 5) Vision (No. 5) (Photo: Wikipedia)</ figcaption>

8: John F. Kennedy

Highest ranked criteria: Public persuasion them (number 6) (Photo: JFK Library)

9: Ronald Reagan

​ Ranking criteria highest ranking: Public Persuasion (No. 5) (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

10: Lyndon Baines Johnson

Highest ranked criteria: Relations with Congress (No. 1) (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

11: Woodrow Wilson

Highest ranked criterion: Vision (No. 7) (Photo: AP)

12: Barack Obama< /strong>

Highest ranked criteria: Ensuring fairness for all (No. 3) (Photo: Reuters)

</ figure>

13: James Monroe

Highest ranked criteria: International relations (No. 7) (Photo: Wikimedia)</figcaption >

14: James K. Polk

Ranking criteria highest: Crisis leadership (number 9) administrative skills (number 9) (Photo: Wikimedia)

15: Bill Clinton

16: William McKinley Jr.</strong >

Highest ranked criteria: Relations with Congress (No. 10) (Photo: BI)

17: James Madison

Highest ranked criteria: Ethical leadership (No. 9) (Photo: Wikimedia)</figure >

18: Andrew Jackson

Highest ranked criteria: Public persuasion (No. 7) (Photo: Wikimedia)

19: John Adams

Highest ranked criteria: Ethical leadership (No. 11) (Photo: Wikimedia)< /figcaption>

20: George H. W. Bush

Highest ranked criteria: International Relations (No. 8) (Photo: AP)

Thanh Dat

According to Business Insider