Businesswoman Lina Hoang shares the value of love during the Covid-19 season

Recently, hundreds of gifts and support items were hand-delivered by businessman Lina Hoang and the charity group For the Poor to lonely elderly people. Disabled, long-term sick, poor workers ……living in dormitories in Ho Chi Minh City.

Entrepreneur Lina Hoang shared: “We went to every alley of the residential areas to give gifts to lonely elderly people, to people selling lottery tickets, and to aunts and uncles selling junk and bottles. have difficult circumstances… each person’s situation is different. Especially when the epidemic came and they couldn’t make money every day, and now they have a gift, it makes them feel secure in living and they are truly touched by the hearts of benefactors and sponsors of volunteer groups. individuals and families to support during this epidemic season.”

“Living is not about giving but receiving only yourself” – in our lives there will be difficult times like that . Whether people live in difficult circumstances or are rich, they all need comfort and sharing from someone. Don’t be selfish, listen to the breathing sound of life. Our life will not be ugly, it will even be more beautiful when we give it away. Because giving is receiving and Lina Hoang will continue this volunteer work to spread the value of love to the community and to the entire society.

Truong Thinh