Lipomas are round-shaped subcutaneous tumors, the size of a pea to a tangerine, located deep in the dermis, detected when palpated or raised, sometimes with a stem, the skin above. still normal, mobile, and painless.
According to the Military Institute of Radiation Medicine and Oncology, lipoma is a fairly common benign tumor that can be found anywhere in the world. body.
A lipoma is a layer of accumulated fat gradually and bulging under the skin, most commonly in locations such as the neck, back, shoulders, arms, thighs, etc. Most lipomas rarely cause pain. The tumor only shows symptoms when it grows and compresses adjacent structures.
Lipomas are not a disease cancer and is usually harmless. Treatment for lipomas is usually not necessary. If it causes unpleasant symptoms such as pain or growing larger, it can be surgically removed.
How to recognize a lipoma?
Lipomas can occur anywhere in the body. They are often characterized by:
– Located just under the skin. They often occur in the neck, shoulders, back, abdomen, arms and thighs.
– There are many lobes and have a soft density, sometimes with liquid inside.
– Soft and mushy .
– Easy to move when pressed with fingers.
– Usually small in size. Lipomas are usually smaller than 5cm in diameter but they can grow in size.
Causes of lipomas
Causes of lipomas has not been clearly determined. Experts believe that genetic factors may be the cause of the disease. The risk of getting it increases if someone in the family has it. In addition, the causes of increased fat in the blood also contribute to lipoma.
Who is susceptible to the disease?
Some factors may contribute to the development of lipomas. can increase the risk of disease include:
– Age 40 to 60 years old: Although lipomas can occur at any age, they are most common in this age group. This is the age when changes occur in the body and daily diet. This leads to the risk of lipoma.
– Family history: Someone in the family has this disease.
– Blood lipid disorders: Causes an increased risk storing fat into tumors.
– Using drugs containing estrogen (hormone replacement contraceptives…). This drug is also a cause of lipid metabolism disorders.
– Unhealthy diet.
– Diabetes.
Are lipomas dangerous?
Most benign lipomas do not affect the body much health the patient. However, you should not be subjective when you see a tumor appear. Any lump or swelling anywhere on the body should be examined carefully.
Lipomas can cause the following rare complications:
– Masses Tumors appear in the abdomen, causing bloating and compressing some internal organs. This leads to dysfunction of many parts of the body. Complications can be serious if the tumor presses on vital organs. For example: large blood vessels nerves…
– Patients may have difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, or even respiratory failure if the lipoma grows deep into the wall of the pharynx, chest, liver, and mediastinum. It can even cause severe difficulty breathing, which is life-threatening.
– In addition, lipomas can also cause loss of aesthetics if they appear too much, reducing quality of life.