Today, we will tell you about everything Yoshinori has researched!
1. Can cells eat themselves?
Yes they can Regenerating unnecessary parts of the cell is called autophagy. The term is named after 2 Greek words; Together they mean “self-eating”.
Autophagy helps both cells and the body’s needs remove unnecessary cells – dead or damaged cells. At the end of their lives, cells will be used to create new cells in the future.
A feature of cells discovered 60 years ago. But recently, while studying autophagy in yeast, Yoshinori Ohsumi has identified the genes responsible for it. It turns out that such genes can be found in almost every living organism, including humans.
2. What are the benefits of “self-eating”?
Autophagy is responsible for the body’s renewal against infections and the drainage of toxins. Abnormalities in the autophagy process are connected to various diseases including cancer, type II diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. It is known that an infected cell tries to “digest” bacteria using the same mechanisms and proteins that are normally used for cell regeneration.
If we can control The influence of autophagy in cancer cells can cause the body to think of it as damaged cells and destroy them with its own efforts, without resorting to chemotherapy. This is completely okay because it only promotes cell renewal in the elderly and tries to slow down the aging process.
3. How does fasting affect the cell’s “self-feeding”?
During fasting blood sugar levels decrease, thereby reducing insulin production or metabolism. Glucose reaching body tissues will slow down. For the human body it means that the nutrient supply has stopped and it goes into “survival” mode, which indicates that the production of glucagon initiates an important function which is the stimulation of autophagy.
It is the body’s defense response based on using “old” cells for a source of nutrition.
4. Did we know anything about it before?
The positive effects of fasting have always been widely known. The Bible says that Jesus and Moses once fasted for 40 days. In Persia people had to refuse food for 50 days while modern Islam places restrictions on food consumption during the holy month of Ramadan.
Herodotus writes that the Egyptians used to fast for 3 days every month to restore his health system. Socrates Plato Byron Voltaire Linnaeus Milton Newton Rousseau Leo Tolstoy – they were all vegetarian on a regular basis.
5. Does fasting lead to loss of muscle mass and a slow metabolic rate?
In fact, periods of fasting can slow down the metabolic rate. But in the case of fasting for about 12 to 72 hours, the metabolic rate will increase significantly. It is connected to the release of the stress hormone noradreanaline which causes feelings of hunger.
The same regulation applies to the loss of muscle mass. Research suggests that short-term fasting leads to high levels of growth hormone that carries energy from adipose tissue. Its other functions as anabolic or anti-catabolic help prevent the destruction of muscle mass.
6. What is the right way to fast?
You should be careful. On average, you need 8 to 12 hours to burn all the calories consumed during the day and store them as glycogen. Only then does the autophagy process begin. This means you should not fast for less than 12 hours.
3 days of fasting can be harmful to your health your health. During this time, the cells do not receive the necessary trace elements and this can lead to a weakened immune system and internal organs not functioning properly.
7. Which diet includes short-term fasting?
This most famous diet is called “5/2”. This mode was invented by British journalist Michael Mosley. In 2012 a film devoted to a study on calorie restrictors was released. With the “5/2” diet, you eat regular foods for 5 days a week, but on any 2 days you must reduce calories by 500 kcal for women and 600 kcal for men.
Martin Berkhan a fitness coach journalist offers another diet called “16/8” which means you have to fast for 16 hours and work out on an empty stomach. Ori Hofmekler follows similar eating habits in her personal variation of the “4/20” diet. With this mode, you only have 4 hours to eat food and the remaining 20 hours of the day you can drink fresh juice and eat nuts or dried fruit to fill your stomach.
Ho Tien
According to BR