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These products are Joint-Soft Ke Bi Gu Tai Jiao Nang (克痹骨泰胶囊) and Pil Raja Urat Asli. They are brought into Singapore via hand carry and through an online retailer.
The Singapore Health Authority (HSA) said it had received three reports of side effects in patients aged 50 and 60.
A patient in his 60s who used Joint-Soft for joint pain experienced bleeding that required hospitalization. Another patient in his 50s increased weight and worsened diabetes after using the product Ke Bi Gu Tai Jiao Nang to treat joint pain.
The third patient at the age of 60 experienced increased weight. more than 8kg after using Pil Raja Urat Asli for pain relief and health promotion.
<Ű>These products are not available locally. They are illegal products of unknown origin that are often produced in poor conditions with no quality control and content that can vary significantly from batch to batch.
HAS test results show the presence of strong corticoid active ingredients dexamethasone and prednisone in Joint-Soft and Ke Bi Gu Tai Jiao Nang, respectively. These active ingredients are often prescribed to treat inflammatory diseases and should only be used under strict medical supervision.
Indiscriminate long-term use of oral corticosteroids can increase blood sugar, leading to diabetes, high blood pressure, cataracts and increased risk of infection.
These drugs can also lead to Cushing’s syndrome – a condition characterized by a round face “like the moon” and an obese body with skinny limbs.
In addition to corticosteroids, two other strong painkillers are piroxicam and indomethacin have also been detected in these products. These active ingredients in Western medicine can cause serious stomach bleeding as well as cardiovascular complications such as heart attack and stroke when used for a long time.
< p align=”right”>Cam Tu
According to Asiaone