Garlic is good for health, but these 4 groups of people should avoid it

Why is garlic good for health?

Garlic is rich in nutrients. According to research, 100g of garlic contains 6.36g of protein, 33g of carbohydrates, 150g of calories and nutrients such as B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6), iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus… < /p>

The basic effects of garlic mainly come from allicin. In fresh garlic, there is no free allicin, only its precursor alliin. When garlic is minced, the enzyme in garlic is activated, which will stimulate alliin into allicin.

Garlic is a source of a surprising number of vitamins and minerals. It contains magnesium selenium and vitamin C. And all these nutrients are considered essential for sexual health . This is great news for both men and women, but it also has some specific benefits for men.

The health benefits of garlic include:

< p>- Fights free radicals.

– Fights high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

– Has antiviral and antibacterial properties.

– Aged garlic can reduce the risk prostate cancer.

Garlic also helps reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. After reviewing and evaluating global studies, reports from the US National Institute of Cancer Research (AICR) show that eating garlic regularly reduces the risk of colorectal cancer.

According to laboratory studies, compounds in garlic help repair DNA, slow the growth of cancer cells and reduce inflammation.

Who should not eat garlic?

Here are 4 people who should avoid using garlic:

People preparing for surgery using anticoagulants</em >

According to MSc. Doctor II Ha Hai Nam, Deputy Head of Abdominal Surgery Department I, K Hospital (Hanoi), garlic has the effect of thinning the blood, preventing the formation of thrombi, inhibiting platelet aggregation, increasing the risk bleeding. Therefore, people who eat more than 12g of garlic per day (more than 4 cloves) will have a higher risk of bleeding during surgery.

Bad breath

Garlic contains many sulfur compounds that can cause bad breath, especially when eaten in large amounts, especially raw. When garlic is cooked, the sulfur content is reduced, causing this condition less.

People with bloating and stomach pain

Garlic contains a lot of fructose May cause bloating and stomach pain in people with fructose intolerance. The reason is that fructose is not digested in the small intestine but goes straight to the colon to ferment there, causing bloating and other digestive problems.

People with existing diseases of the digestive tract You should be careful when using garlic.

People with gastroesophageal reflux

Garlic can reduce the tone of the lower sphincter esophagus. This is a muscle that helps prevent food from being pushed back into the esophagus when it contracts.

When this muscle is weak, the upper part of the stomach does not close tightly, leading to reflux of food and acid into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation, heartburn, and nausea.

The Research shows that using only 1-2 garlic cloves per day (equivalent to 3-6g) is best for our health.