For example, bee stings rarely cause problems unless the person is allergic, but tick bites can transmit paralyzing or life-threatening Lyme disease.
To To help deal with summer insect stings, first aid expert Emma Hammett shows how to identify and treat them
First – no matter how much you want Regardless, don’t scratch the sting.
When the skin is scratched, the sting is more likely to become infected.
The first sign that the sting is likely to be If infected, it becomes redder, hotter and more itchy. In this case, see a doctor as soon as possible.
If the redness spreads on the skin, this may be a sign of cellulitis, a serious condition and you need to act quickly. seek medical treatment quickly.
Bees and wasps
Bees and wasps generally do not attack and do not look for people to sting, however people often accidentally step on them with their bare feet or let them fly on them and sting.
When a bee or wasp stings they inject venom through their stinger into the victim’s skin.
Wasps, wasps and other stinging insects have stingers without a hooked tip that they retract when stings, so these insects can sting people multiple times.
Bees have a hooked stinger that they leave in the victim’s skin along with a venom sac.
If bitten If a bee stings and the stinger is still on the skin, quickly use your thumb or a plastic card to pry it off.
Try not to squeeze the stinger as this can increase the amount of allergen entering. body and thus increases the allergic reaction.
The venom sac may take 2-3 minutes to release and therefore removing the venom sac immediately can prevent the venom from increasing the reaction. .
Most people only have a local reaction to a bee sting. The skin around the sting will be red and painful.
About 3% of people are stung by bees and bees. Wasp stings have an allergic reaction and up to 0.8% have a severe and life-threatening allergic reaction called anaphylaxis.
Traditional medicine suggests neutralizing the sting with Vinegar or salt medicine is an effective remedy for bee stings.
The venom in wasp stingers is alkaline and the remedy is to neutralize the sting with vinegar to relieve pain.
Honey bee venom is primarily formic acid and should therefore be neutralized with salves.
Neither of these measures have scientific backing and are probably reassuring rather than any real benefit to making the victim feel better.
Ticks (carry Lyme disease)
Ticks are creatures very small animals that live in forest and grassy areas and are especially common in areas with deer and other wildlife.
They suck blood and bite the skin to feed on the blood.
Ban Their heads are extremely small but swell as they feed, eventually reaching the size of a pea and are therefore easy to detect and remove.
Ticks that can carry Lyme disease can be very severe and lead to paralysis or meningitis and are best removed by a professional.
If this is not possible, remove them very carefully with tweezers or a specialized tick removal tool. Use it gently to pull out without twisting.
When using the tick removal tool, you need to insert it under the tick and rotate it 360 degrees.
If the tick’s mouth is cut in half, it will get stuck in the skin and lead to infection. Do not burn the tick’s tail or use chemicals to kill it.
Cover yourself with long pants and socks when walking in woods and tall grass and always check your clothing and body for ticks. on the dog when returning.
Red mite are terrifyingly small mites commonly found in grasslands, golf courses, forests, parks, and meadows around lakes and rivers.
They are members of the family Trombiculidae and are tiny spider-shaped mites. They are often called red berry beetles or harvest mites.
Symptoms of red mites stings include intense itching and flat or slightly raised red papules on the skin that sometimes appear as pimples. water.
Antihistamines and topical insect repellent creams can soothe the sting. Children also like to use itch-relieving clickers and say they are very effective.
Red mite bites mainly on thin skin areas such as wrinkles and warm folds of skin such as the groin, armpit and popliteal areas. legs.
Ankles and calves are also the favorite areas of red mites.
When biting, red mites bring their eating structures and mouthparts into the skin.< /p>
They inject enzymes into the host’s skin that destroy the tissue around the sting and thus stimulate reactions.
The area around the sting then hardens and they introduce tubes a food guide called a sylostome into the bite.
If left undisturbed, red mites can feed on the skin through this structure for several days.
Mosquitoes strong>
Most of us are familiar with the buzzing sound of mosquitoes and know the appearance of these terrifying bloodsuckers.
Mosquitoes are winged creatures that suck human blood ; they also carry malaria, dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis and many other extremely serious diseases.
Mosquitoes love standing water and multiply when the conditions are right.
Only female mosquitoes bite humans because mosquitoes need to eat blood to reproduce.Male mosquitoes have antennae that help them sense the presence of female mosquitoes – male mosquitoes only live for about a week. Female mosquitoes have fewer antennae and can live for several months.
Female mosquitoes have extended mouthparts that they use to penetrate the skin and suck blood.
When mosquitoes bite they inject saliva into you while sucking blood.
Mosquito saliva contains proteins that most people react to, leading to red, itchy bumps.
Mosquitoes sniff their victims and choose them based on their scent. Many mosquito repellents try to change our body odor to make us less appetizing to mosquitoes.
You can use patches and sprays. Many people also say to drink plenty of water. Marmite fever also makes you less attractive to mosquitoes.
It’s best to use high-quality mosquito repellents and cover yourself with loose, long-sleeved clothing and long pants.
Some types of mosquitoes are more common during the day, some at dawn and dusk. Insect repellents containing DEET are considered the most effective.
Mosquito bites should be washed with soap and warm water.
Antihistamine pills and creams Topical anti-itch cream and applying ice to the sting will help reduce itching. Avoid scratching the bite.
Rarely, people have severe allergies or anaphylactic reactions when bitten by mosquitoes.
So if you have body aches, headaches or fever after If stung, contact your doctor. These may be symptoms of a mosquito-borne disease.
Fleas (left) live on animals like dogs and cats, but they are also happy to bite humans and cause itchy and sometimes painful bumps (right) that can become infected
Fleas are nasty little insects that like feeds on the blood of humans and pets. They are a real nuisance and their bites are itchy and sometimes painful.
Removing fleas is very difficult and often requires professional pest control. pets for complete eradication.
Pet owners are most at risk for fleas but it is possible to have fleas in the house without pets.
Flight bites Fleas are distinctive small red bumps with a red halo around the bite. The bites usually occur in groups of three or four or in a straight line.
Fleas are often attracted to moist areas such as the armpits, chest, groin or in the folds of the elbows and knees. knees but they also easily reach areas such as the ankles and calves.
Flea bites are extremely itchy and the skin around the bite is often sore or painful and you may develop a rash or hives near the sting site.
Scratching the sting can lead to infection.
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