Why do people with Covid-19 cough?
Coughing is essentially a reflex to protect the body, effective in expel pathogens from the respiratory tract of humans and infected people SARS-CoV-2 is no exception. Although it brings positive meaning, on the other hand if the situation Coughing that occurs continuously will cause adverse reactions, making the patient tired and having difficulty sleeping and requires appropriate treatment.
Patients with Covid-19 need to clearly distinguish between two types of cough Dry cough and cough with phlegm and of course each type of cough will have different treatment.
Most people infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus only have a dry cough and mostly use cough suppressants bring efficiency. On the contrary, people who cough with phlegm should not use cough suppressants. Instead, choose the appropriate phlegm-reducing medication. When the phlegm is diluted, the cough reflex will easily expel it from the body. Most symptoms of cough with phlegm come from bacterial infection and lead to more severe bronchitis and/or pneumonia. Therefore, Covid-19 patients with symptoms of phlegm cough need to go to the hospital to be examined by a doctor for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
In addition, it should be noted that cough can be caused by other causes instead of Covid-19 such as:
< p>Easily susceptible to allergies
Previous history of asthma
Pre-existing gastroesophageal reflux disease
Due to central nerve stimulation causing cough along the respiratory tract, trachea and pharynx…
Measures to eliminate phlegm to reduce cough in children infected with SARS-CoV-2
Many steps Parents whose children are infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus are worried and trying to find out information related to the symptoms and treatment of cough with phlegm in children, including questions about whether the child can use medications. expectorate or not? However, in reality, the use of phlegm-reducing drugs in children is not really necessary and is not very effective.
In essence, phlegm is a product of internal inflammation, including pathogens that cause diseases (such as bacteria) leukocytes and secretions of the inflammatory process. The amount of sputum secreted will be expelled through the cough reflex mentioned above. Coughing in children with Covid-19 helps viscous phlegm rise to the neck and then be excreted through many different mechanisms. For young children who do not yet know how to expectorate, the child swallows the sputum and excretes it through the digestive tract. Older children or adults will expectorate the sputum and some children who do not swallow or spit will expel the sputum through movements. vomiting.
Even though that’s the theory, in reality, just having a child cough a lot of phlegm or vomit after a meal will make parents impatient and want to use a phlegm-reducing medicine. This is considered the reason why many parents, out of concern for their children, arbitrarily use phlegm-relieving and cough-relieving drugs following advice on social networks or buy the medicine themselves for their children to take. This is extremely dangerous, not only does it not help improve symptoms of phlegm cough, but it also poses a risk of causing harm health for children.
Sputum-reducing drugs commonly used in adults such as bromhexine acetylcysteine guaifenesin… are said to be able to eliminate phlegm. phlegm effectively reduces cough in children. Regarding the mechanism of action, these drugs will cut molecules in sputum or increase water secretion into sputum, thereby thinning sputum. Then, just a few strong coughs will help the mucus to be expelled. However, most of the above mentioned mucolytic drugs have not proven effective in respiratory infections in children. Therefore, many Covid-19 treatment guidelines for children around the world do not include phlegm-reducing drugs. On the contrary, arbitrary use of some expectorant drugs for young children can stimulate the onset of bronchospasm, especially when the child has a history of recurrent wheezing.
>Some ways to relieve phlegm and reduce cough in children with Covid-19
It should be emphasized that not using phlegm-reducing drugs to reduce cough will cause respiratory viral infections in children. Children with Covid-19 will recover on their own over time. However, to help children recover faster, parents can apply some non-medicinal measures as follows:
– Nose hygiene: This is considered the most effective method to reduce phlegm. Coughing in children infected with SARS-CoV-2 is to clean the nose before eating or drinking milk. For children over 6 months old, parents can give their child a spoonful of warm filtered water to help the phlegm in the throat flow down to the stomach.
If you want the phlegm to be expelled quickly, parents need to let the child cough. At the same time, take measures to help dilute phlegm by giving your child warm water (for older children) or warm milk (for children under 6 months old). Warm water is considered an effective factor in diluting phlegm;
Gargling with salt water: This traditional measure is used by many Covid-19 patients and is effective, including: children object. Gargling with salt water helps clear phlegm in the throat and helps quickly reduce the feeling of sore throat.
How to reduce phlegm cough in children after Covid-19< /p>
Cough with phlegm that occurs during the illness can still continue in the post-Covid-19 period in some children. Besides the measures mentioned above, parents can use some natural herbs to reduce post-Covid-19 phlegm cough in children. Among them, some known herbal uses are as follows:
– Honey: Has a warm, neutral taste so it is very suitable for reducing coughs caused by the SARS-COV-2 virus. Honey also contains many nutrients, digestive enzymes and some amino acids… thereby supporting the healing of the throat mucosa, supplementing nutrition and strengthening the immune system;
– Vein: Normality Cool has a very good effect of relaxing the lungs, nourishing yin and generating new fluids. Monosteum can help nourish the body, inhibit respiratory pathogens, reduce cough and phlegm effectively, but you should consult with an oriental medicine doctor before proactively treating children;
< p>- Fresh ginger: Warm and neutral taste similar to honey, so when used, it will promote the ability to eliminate phlegm, reduce coughs and reduce fever;
– Kumquat: Sweet and sour taste, warm nature is known with the effect of eliminating phlegm, reducing cough and clearing the respiratory tract…
After Covid-19 in children, there are many different progressions. Therefore, parents need to pay attention to their children’s signs to apply supportive measures when necessary. In case the child shows other unusual signs, parents need to take the child to medical centers as soon as possible for examination and treatment.
< strong>Master Doctor Phan Ngoc Hai
Pediatrician – Neonatologist – Department of Pediatrics – Neonatology – Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital