Laugh at all the funny sleeping positions of tourists

If your flight is delayed due to weather, what do you do to “kill” time? Besides relaxing with some services at the airport Tourists will choose a corner for themselves and take a nap.

Walking around airport terminals around the world, people will encounter a variety of sleeping positions. Some of these images are compiled from Pica’s funny photo source to bring relaxation to viewers at the end of the year.

The young passenger seemed quite tired and fell asleep right on his father’s suitcase.
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Each person has a different position lying around waiting for the hour fly.
The newspaper became a great assistant to help a male guest take a nap. Photo taken at Melbourne Australia International Airport.
Group of tourists “set up camp” right at the airport. This is also a not uncommon image in many places.

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Image taken at British Heathrow airport when a male passenger took a nap in the cargo tray.
When too tired to wait for her luggage, a young woman shows her heart My boredom by lying in a strange position on the conveyor belt.
Leaving luggage behind two male guests falling asleep on the chair.

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Make sure no one disturbs you.

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A father fell asleep leaving his two children alone Girls are free to be as creative as they like.
Each person
Guaranteed to never fall off the chair

Viet Ha

According to DM