Many diseases can be cured by practicing proper breathing

We all know that taking a deep breath makes us feel better. So why do we so easily forget to do this?

Most of us never pay attention to breathing unless we are hyperventilating during exertion, illness or stress. As a result, we form the habit of only using about 1/3 of our lungs, even though the area of ​​lung tissue, if spread out, would be “unbelievable” in size – the size of an entire tennis court.


Here’s expert advice on breathing techniques and how breathing exercises can make you healthier.

< p>Five signs you’re not breathing properly

One or more of the symptoms below may indicate you’re not breathing properly:

Sighing more than usual

Cause: Habit of holding your breath

By occasionally sighing the body is instinctively trying to compensate for the lack of breath. Oxygen deficiency caused by holding your breath.

Frequent yawning

Cause: Shallow breathing.

When relaxing we We usually breathe 5-8 times/minute. Shallow breathing is 10 – 20 times/minute, mostly from the chest.

If people comment that you sigh or yawn often, or that you sigh and yawn when you wouldn’t otherwise Improper breathing can be the cause.

Teeth grinding at night

Cause: Stress and shallow breathing

Improper breathing is often accompanied by teeth grinding, which are all symptoms of stress.

In about 40% of people with chronic stress or psychological diseases, teeth grinding and ineffective breathing go hand in hand. together.

Shoulder and neck pain

Cause: Chest breathing.

When you only breathe with your chest, the muscles in The neck, shoulders and back will try to contract to help the body breathe deeper, thereby allowing the lungs to receive more air.

If you often feel tightness in this area, it is not related to your health. exercise or injury, breathing patterns can be the culprit.

Always feeling tired

Cause: Ineffective breathing.< /p>

Breathing incorrectly means you are not getting enough of one of the three essential elements for energy – oxygen, food and water.

In addition, if you are not breathing Effectively, you will only be able to use about 205 lung capacity, causing other muscles such as those in the back of the neck and shoulders to have to work harder to fill the lungs.

One of the most convincing hypotheses about the syndrome physical weakness is that it is related to improper breathing.

Two common incorrect breathing methods

Two common breathing methods are below can limit lung capacity when breathing:

Mouth breathing: Breathing through the mouth instead of through the nose is the most common bad habit. People who are anxious and busy often start using their mouth to breathe, causing their mouth to dry out and cause fatigue.

Getting more oxygen than needed also means releasing too much CO2 and too fast can cause palpitations, chest pain, and tingling sensations in the hands and feet.

If not noticed, this breathing pattern can turn into recurring and increasing panic attacks. Ventilate when stressed or threatened.

Breathe holding: Unconscious breathing holding is very common in people with high leadership expectations. These people are actually very excited but also naturally anxious. Therefore, they often hold their breath unconsciously but out of habit – often due to stress.

How to breathe easily

Do Do the following exercises 3 times a week for 3 weeks to change your breathing technique.

The goal is to breathe slowly and deeply through your nose, making sure you breathe from your diaphragm, not just shallow breathing. chest.

The diaphragm will relax to the sides while the abdomen expands and the chest and shoulders are in a comfortable position.

Place your hands at the bottom of the ribs and breathe deeply. helps you find your diaphragm.

Now sit on a chair or lie on the floor, making sure to stay warm. Keeping warm helps relax the respiratory muscles including the abdominal muscles, diaphragm and back muscles.

Review your breathing style

Pay attention to your movements movements of the chest, shoulders and abdomen while breathing.

Close your eyes and direct your attention inside your body.

Where do you see yourself breathing from? Chest? Belly? Shoulder?

Breathe wide

-Straight your back, arch your shoulders back, relax your arms and place your hands on the floor mouth.

– If you are sitting, raise or lower your chin so that it is parallel to the floor.

Breathe deeply

Exhale slowly for a few seconds by drawing your belly in toward your spine.

Note the pull of your diaphragm between your abdomen and chest as you breathe fuller and deeper.

Remember to relax your shoulders.

Breathe slowly

After each exhalation and inhalation, pause for a moment and start again to help the slower and deeper you breathe.

No time?

Take a moment every hour to check how you are breathing. You just need to sit still and inhale while counting to 4 or 5 and exhale while counting to 4 or 5.

We often tend to breathe quickly but by counting while breathing will help you Breathe slower and deeper.

Instant stress relief

Do you need to relax and concentrate? Try “nostril breathing” – a yogic breathing technique to calm the mind and clear the mind.

This yogic breathing style helps balance both sides of the brain – the left brain is responsible for logical thinking and the emotional/creative right brain.

Use the right thumb to close the right nostril and inhale through the left nostril while counting to 4.

Now Now use the index finger of your right hand to close the left nostril and exhale through the right nostril while counting to 4.

Breathe in through the right nostril and exhale and then exhale through the nostril. Use your left nostril to cover the right nostril with your thumb. Repeat 6 times.

Cam Tu

According to DM

According to DM