North Korea claims to be building overwhelming military power

“We will continue to build power The most powerful and overwhelming military to protect sovereignty, security and regional peace,” Ms. Kim Yo-jong, a member of the North Korean State Affairs Commission, sister of leader Kim Jong-un, declared today. April 23.

Mrs. Kim said a series of joint US exercises in the region this year starting with live-fire exercises with South Korea is pushing environment security The region is in a state of dangerous chaos.

The US and South Korean militaries have conducted a series of exercises with greater scale and intensity in recent months as committed by their leaders. the two countries aim to improve military readiness against North Korean military threats.

According to the South Korean military, about 100 military aircraft conducted a long-term aerial exercise. two weeks this month.

North Korea says US military exercises are preparations for a nuclear war against the country. However, Washington and Seoul said the exercises were defensive in nature and conducted regularly to maintain readiness.