The southern path of Ring Road 3 has a total length of about 62km, connecting from Giai Phong Street to behind Thanh Tri Bridge, designed according to expressway standards, 265m wide, frontage road on both sides, each lane 11m wide. Ring Road 3 connecting to Thanh Tri bridge and National Highway 5, contributing to reducing traffic pressure in the southern area of Hanoi.
Disgraceful images of the parking lot under the bridge
Recently, there has been a situation of “butchering” under the bridge The parking lot has grown massively out of control. At the foot of Thanh Tri bridge is divided into parking lots carefully surrounded by iron fences. Vehicles of all kinds parked inside look unkempt and unhygienic, ruining the image of a large bridge of national significance.
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Under the bridge is also used for business
According to some people living near this area, parking lots are the cause of congestion, potentially causing accidents when visibility is narrow and traffic is not paying attention. . Not to mention the shortcomings when these parking lots do not comply with the principles of the Hanoi People’s Committee.
Walk around the Thanh Tri bridge area connecting to Ring Road 3 for the first time that anyone Anyone who passes here can easily see that on both sides of the bridge and under Thanh Tri, weeds grow widely and are not planned to grow green trees.
Know the area Both sides of the road under the bridge are also planned to grow green trees, but most of these trees are poor quality trees that are not carefully cared for and fertilized.
Below Here are some images recorded on April 9, 2013 around the area of Thanh
Tri bridge connecting to Ring Road 3:
The foot of the bridge is also a place of
business people’s trade
Article and photo: Tran Hang