Squid grass – blood nourishing herb found in O Moc Khang helps “stop” premature graying of hair

Pharmacological effects of the squid grass

Squid grass is also known as Nho pot grass, Han lien grass, Mac lien grass, Kim herbal lingua… with the scientific name learned as Eclipta alba Hassk. This is a small, low-stemmed tree that grows wild and is easy to grow. With good pharmacological properties, ink grass has been commonly used in the treatment of diseases since ancient times.

According to Traditional Medicine has a sweet and sour taste, cools the blood, regulates blood (stops bleeding), mainly acts on the 2 kidney meridians, clears liver heat, indicates dysentery, internal bleeding (stomach bleeding, menorrhagia), rashes, itching or swelling, ulcers .

In the book Shen Nong Manuscript, it is written: “Ink grass is a famous hemostatic medicine…”. The book Dien Nam Manuscript states: “The herb is used to treat dysentery in people with severe bleeding. Use it to apply and the water applied to your hair will turn black quickly.”

Modern medicine shows that the composition of Soi pot grass contains essential oils Tanin Alcanoid and Carotene. Tannin has the effect of speeding up blood clotting and reducing infection, so it is mainly used to stop bleeding. In an experiment testing the toxicity of Ink Grass on white mice, with a dose increased 5-80 times the dose commonly used in Oriental medicine, no toxicity or side effects on the body were found.

< p>Squid Grass – “effective remedy” for premature graying of hair

Traditional medicine believes that hair is the residue of blood and energy, so when the kidneys and kidneys function ineffectively, the energy is ineffective. Lack of blood circulation leads to discolored and gray hair. To improve premature graying of hair, nourishing the kidneys, supplementing thermolytic serum to remove toxins from the liver is essential.

In addition to cool blood Ink Grass blood is also known for its effective mechanism of action on the two kidney meridians to nourish and detoxify the liver.

In research experiments on white mice, Indian scientists have inject a toxin into the mouse liver (CCL4) and then let the mice eat the extract from the leaves of the grass. Research results show that the mortality rate of white mice decreased from 77% to 22%.

In Japan, Ink grass is considered as the main medicinal herb to treat premature gray hair with the effect of nourishing the kidneys, yin, and blood.

Some remedies from squid grass support the treatment of premature gray hair

Remedy number 1:

Take a handful of nightshade grass, wash it, crush it and filter it to get the water. Boil this water until it thickens, add enough ginger juice and honey, and continue stirring until the mixture thickens once more. Let it cool then put it in a clean jar and keep it in a cool place. Each time use, mix 1-2 tablespoons with warm boiled water or mix with rice wine to drink twice a day. This extract has a very good effect in nourishing the kidneys and blood.

Remedy number 2:

1-2 kg of squid grass is pressed to get a thick solution. 300-1000g female virgin, soaked in wine for 1 day, peeled, roasted, dried and powdered. Mix the water from the Cuttlefish grass with the powder and add a little honey and then roll it into a ball. Use 10 grams 3 times a day with warmed rice wine. This remedy has the effect of nourishing the kidneys and liver, preventing back pain, knee pain and dark gray hair.

Especially, Cuc grass when combined with Polygonum multiflorum also brings the effectiveness of reducing hair graying, increasing many times. This is considered the “key” that opens up new directions for low-cost silver reduction methods.

Protective food health O Moc Khang – a pioneering product that uses Cuc Grass to reduce premature graying of hair.

Currently, the use of Ink Grass to reduce hair graying is not yet popular. Besides, most products are prepared in high form with limited dosage methods. Combined with manual production, the medicinal properties in medicinal materials are lost, resulting in poorer effectiveness.

To meet the increasingly urgent needs of society O Moc Health Protection Food Khang – the perfect combination of the essence of traditional medicine with modern technology has been researched, produced and applied in reducing premature gray hair.

O Moc Khang health protection food has ingredients made from 100% natural herbs: Squid Grass Red Polygonum Polygonum Black Bean Green Heart Plantain Northern Licorice Big-leaf Milk Grass with Vi Zinc helps nourish the blood, benefits the kidneys, stimulates the production of Melanin – maintaining black hair color. At the same time, it slows down the process of graying hair, making hair young and black.

Effects of each ingredient:

– Polygonum multiflora: clears heat and detoxifies blood, regulates menstruation nourishes the liver, benefits the kidneys, nourishes the blood, eliminates wind and darkens hair and beard.

– Squid Grass: Strengthens the kidneys, yin, blood, detoxifies and nourishes the liver and kidneys.

– Green black beans: Treats wind and heat as a qi tonic to support the treatment of weak kidneys and kidneys, anemia, and vitamin B12 supplementation…

– Big-leaf Milk Grass: cool, slightly toxic properties, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, detoxifying effect .

– Plantain: Has a diuretic effect that clears the lungs, liver, heat, permeates the bladder, lowers gas, supports the treatment of dystocia, cough, eliminates phlegm, brightens the eyes, and is a tonic.

>– Zinc: Prevents hair loss and makes hair grow fast and strong.

O Moc Khang health protection food is prepared in convenient tablet form, the dosage in each tablet is measured according to standards. A norm that is easy to use and carry when going on long business trips. The product is effective for both men and women and is a meaningful health gift for loved ones.

Recommendation: O Moc Khang is a functional food that protects health. The product is not a medicine and does not act as a substitute for medicine.

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* Product manufactured by: IMC International Medical Consulting Company Limited: B18+19 Area B Hoang Cau O Cho Dua Ward Dong Da District Hanoi

* Products distributed by: ONA Vietnam Natural and Organic Company Limited – 286 Nguyen Xien – Thanh Xuan – Hanoi. GPCB number: 23292/2017/ATTP-XNCB

Website: www.omockhang.vn

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