Strange pho dish in Ha Giang, while eating it, it makes me cry because it’s sour

When mentioning the cuisine of Ha Giang stone plateau, tourists often mention dishes such as thang co men men men porridge au tau corn wine Shan Tuyet… Not many people know about the equally famous sour pho here.< /p>

Sour pho was introduced to the northern mountainous provinces such as Ha Giang Lang Son Cao Bang… after the Manchu Dynasty (China) more than 300 years ago. In Chinese, sour pho is called “Luong pan” means “Cool Pho”. And because it is cheese, this dish is only popular in the summer.

In the past, sour pho was only used in feasts, but now it has become a favorite breakfast dish of many people in Ha Giang.

The ingredients of the dish Sour pho includes: fried pork (char siu), roasted duck, peanuts sauteed in oil, sausage or homemade sausage. There are also side dishes including: fragrant basil, fresh garlic, papaya or grated cucumber. The main ingredient is pho, which requires fresh, soft-coated pho, not dry  noodles.

The essential thing that creates the flavor of sour pho is the sweet and sour broth. The special broth is made from a very sour vinegar mixed with sugar along with cassava flour mixed with a little spice – everything is brought to a boil and stirred well.

Pho noodles are spread out. Place on a plate, cover with slices of fried pork, sausage, and a few pieces of golden roasted duck meat, sprinkled with a few spears of basil, add some crushed peanuts and saute in oil.

Then pour the broth into sweet and sour pho and eat with stir-fried chili or chili sauce. To fully enjoy the flavor of the dish, you can drink it with corn wine or black wine or wine.

In Ha Giang you can enjoy Ha Giang sour pho at the markets in Dong Van town. Sitting on a bench, enjoying a bowl of sour pho and listening to a few stories of indigenous people… will bring you a wonderful and interesting experience when coming to the rocky plateau.

This dish is Sold in many restaurants in Ha Giang city, Dong Van Meo Vac town… The price of 1 bowl of pho ranges from 25,000 – 30,000 VND.