The Prime Minister stated 5 priorities in Vietnam – Korea relations

The Prime Minister stated 5 priorities in Vietnam - Korea relations
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh delivered a policy speech at Seoul National University, highlighting five priority areas for the enhancement of Vietnam-South Korea relations.
“Our two nations are not just close friends and trusted partners, but we also share many similarities in cultural traditions and ethnic backgrounds, especially the enduring family ties that have been strengthened over generations,” Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh stated on July 3rd during his visit to South Korea.
He emphasized that the bilateral relationship over the past three decades has become a model for strong inter-nation ties in East Asia, showcasing an “unprecedented level” of successful cooperation.
South Korea remains Vietnam’s top partner in direct investment and tourism, the second in development cooperation (ODA), and the third in labor and trade. Meanwhile, Vietnam is South Korea’s leading trade partner within ASEAN. The collaboration in labor, culture, tourism, people-to-people exchanges, and social foundations continues to flourish.
“Vietnam consistently values its relationship with South Korea and aims to foster substantive cooperation that aligns with the framework of a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership,” the Prime Minister concluded.
The Prime Minister stated 5 priorities in Vietnam - Korea relations
The Prime Minister emphasized that to elevate the bilateral relations between Vietnam and South Korea, both nations must focus on five key priorities. Firstly, it is crucial to strengthen the foundation of their relationship by enhancing mutual understanding and political trust. This can be achieved through regular high-level exchanges and effective implementation of senior-level agreements, including the Action Program for the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.
Both countries should prioritize enhancing cooperation in core areas such as economy, trade, investment, and labor, aiming for more substantive, efficient, and sustainably balanced outcomes.
Vietnam and South Korea are committed to achieving a trade turnover of $100 billion by 2025 and $150 billion by 2030. They will also encourage South Korean enterprises to increase investments in semiconductors, digital transformation, green transition, and biotechnology sectors.
“We need to enhance development cooperation (ODA), particularly large-scale projects with special preferential conditions,” the Prime Minister suggested.
The third priority is to create breakthroughs in cultural cooperation, tourism, and people-to-people exchanges, with a focus on promoting bilateral tourism. Vietnam hopes South Korea will share its successful experiences in developing the entertainment, cultural, and content industries.
“Youth in Vietnam are passionate about Korean dramas and K-pop, and Vietnamese people love eating kimchi,” the Prime Minister highlighted the cultural bond between the two nations. “Meanwhile, it has become a daily habit for South Koreans to enjoy pho at Vietnamese restaurants.”
South Korea consistently ranks as one of the top sources of tourists to Vietnam. Cooperation in science and technology, innovation, and education and training between the two countries is becoming increasingly effective. Approximately 70 localities from both countries have established cooperative relationships, and around 80,000 multicultural families have become vital and enduring bridges for the two nations.
The Prime Minister stated 5 priorities in Vietnam - Korea relations
Vietnam and South Korea must prioritize boosting collaboration in education, training, science, technology, and climate change response. Focus should be on training high-quality human resources in semiconductor technology and artificial intelligence.
Both countries should also emphasize the transfer of scientific and technological knowledge and cooperation in climate change adaptation. South Korea views Vietnam as a strategic destination for establishing research and development centers, encouraging the transfer of core and foundational technologies.
The fifth priority is mutual cooperation and support in multilateral mechanisms and forums at the United Nations, ASEAN-South Korea, and Mekong-South Korea frameworks. Upholding international law, peacefully resolving disputes, and effectively addressing global challenges are of utmost importance.
Both nations share a common vision for ensuring security, safety, and freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea, based on international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Vietnam supports denuclearization, maintaining peace and stability, and fostering cooperation and development on the Korean Peninsula.
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh believes that the youth are the future, the pioneers in the nation’s development and construction. He hopes Vietnamese students at Seoul National University will become significant contributors to Vietnam’s nation-building efforts and the Vietnam-South Korea relationship.
During a Q&A session, Ms. Bui Thi My Hang from the Asia Research Institute inquired about the Prime Minister’s vision for a more balanced Vietnam-South Korea relationship.
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh expressed that the future of bilateral relations aims for connectivity and mutual growth. He emphasized that Vietnam and South Korea are moving towards a balanced relationship based on harmonizing interests and sharing risks. Vietnam has granted visa exemptions for South Korean citizens and has proposed that South Korea reciprocate for Vietnamese citizens, initially for specific groups.
In response to PhD candidate Song Hyun-chun’s query about the Vietnamese government’s primary concerns, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh outlined the top priorities. The foremost concern is the protection of independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity, followed by political stability and social safety. Alongside economic development, Vietnam is also addressing four critical threats: lagging behind, deviating from the path, peaceful evolution, and corruption and negativity.
“Vietnam places great emphasis on fairness, equality, and social progress, ensuring that no one is left behind,” he stated. “We also value international relationships, believing that to go far, we must go together.”
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and his spouse are on an official visit to South Korea from June 30th to July 3rd. This marks the first official visit by a senior Vietnamese leader to South Korea since the two countries upgraded their relationship to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in December 2022.