The wonderful effects of chestnuts on health
Chestnuts are the nuts of the chestnut tree with the scientific name Castanea Mollissima of the Fagaceae family. Type of nut This is not only an indispensable delicious dish in cold weather but also has the ability to effectively prevent and treat diseases.
It is known that chestnuts are the only dry fruit that contains vitamin C. In addition, it is also rich in starch and other nutritional ingredients such as: Omega-3 protein lipids vitamins B1 B2 minerals ….
Previous studies have proven that this superfood has effective anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular protection effects when containing high levels of Omega-3. In addition, chestnuts are also rich in unsaturated fatty acids and minerals that have the ability to prevent and treat high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, arteriosclerosis…
Not only that, this type of nut is also a high-quality nutritious food that helps prolong life, fight aging, provide heat energy for the body, improve the stomach and strengthen bones. Treating asthma, aching limbs… Therefore, in medicine, chestnut is considered a “miracle drug” that enhances health and can cure many diseases if used properly.
< strong>Important notes that cannot be ignored when eating chestnuts
Despite bringing many health benefits, improper use of chestnuts can sometimes cause serious health problems. This superfood becomes something harmful to the body.
According to a researcher Chinese nutritionist Chestnuts contain high levels of carbohydrates and provide energy to the body. Specifically, eating 5 chestnuts is equivalent to eating 1 bowl of white rice. Therefore, if you eat too much of this food, your body will easily fall into a state of continuous weight gain.
In addition, if you use too many chestnuts, it can cause heat in the body. Because this type of food contains high levels of starch and does not seem to have fiber, it is easy to suffer from constipation, bloating, and indigestion.
In addition, he also recommends that elderly people have poor function. Poor digestion and young children should not eat too many chestnuts at once because it can cause symptoms such as: stomach ache, indigestion, choking, spleen damage… This expert also said that you should only use 50-70 grams. chestnuts every week for maximum effectiveness.
Another thing to note is that people with a long history of If you have stomach problems, you should limit eating chestnuts. Because eating too much will produce a lot of acid and create a burden on this part, thereby leading to stomach bleeding.
People with colds that have not recovered, patients with malaria and dysentery Women after giving birth should not eat a lot of chestnuts, they should only eat no more than 10 chestnuts to avoid constipation.
When eating chestnuts, check to see if they are moldy or damaged to avoid negative health effects. Because if this food encounters the above condition, it will easily cause Afflatoxin poisoning in the body and lead to liver cancer.
Not being observant to recognize signs of damage can causing you to accidentally have mold enter your body. Therefore, to ensure safety, experts always emphasize choosing carefully before eating and if you have not used them all, you should put chestnuts in a box and then put them in the freezer for preservation.
< p style=”text-align:right”>Minh Nhat