Top 10 “soft” skills to live, study and work effectively

In a conference with the Ministry of Universities, UNESCO proposed the purpose of learning : “Learn to know, learn to do, learn to live together, learn to assert yourself.” Our schools are currently heavy on learning to know, which means only achieving one of UNESCO’s four goals.

World Bank calls the 21st century the era of skills-based economy – Skills Based Economy ( ). Human  capacity is assessed in all three aspects: knowledge, skills and attitude. World scientists believe that to be successful in life, soft skills (emotional intelligence) account for 85%, hard skills (logical intelligence) account for only 15% (http://www.

We have entered the century It’s been 10 years since 21, but the training program and assessment of students’ abilities are still based mainly on knowledge. Peter M. Senge says “The most powerful competitive weapon is learning faster than your competitors”. Clearly, if we want to enhance our competitiveness, we not only have to learn quickly but also learn correctly

In the past, school was the only place where we could access knowledge. The world is getting flatter and flatter thanks to the internet, everyone can access information and data equally anytime, anywhere. Knowledge is increasing more and more, and from having knowledge to performing a task to get specific results, it is not just knowledge that is enough. From knowing to understanding to working professionally with high productivity is a huge gap. So the question is: “What skills are necessary for every person to be successful in work and life?”

In the United StatesThe U.S. Department of Labor and the Association for Training and Development The American Society of Training and Development recently conducted a study about basic skills at work. The conclusion is that there are 13 basic skills necessary to succeed at work:

1.      Study and self-study skills (learning to learn)

2.     Listening skills

3.      Presentation skills Oral communication skills

4.      Problem solving skills

5.      Creative thinking skills

6.      Management skills self and self-esteem

7. Goal setting/ motivational skills

8.      Personal and career development skills (Personal and career development skills)

9.      Interpersonal skills

10.  Teamwork skills

11.  Technology Negotiation skills

12.  Effective organizational skills (Organizational effectiveness)

13.  Leadership skills

In 1989, the US Department of Labor also established a Secretariat Committee on Skills Training Need set (The Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills – SCANS). Members of this committee come from many different fields such as business education, entrepreneurs, civil servants… with the aim of “boosting the economy with high-skilled labor and high-income jobs”. (http://wdr.doleta .gov/SCANS/)

In AustraliaThe Business Council of Australia (BCA) and Chamber of Commerce the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) with the sponsorship of the Department of EducationScience and Training (DEST) and the Australian National Education Council (the Australian < /span>National Training Authority – ANTA) published the book “Practical skills for the future” (2002). The book shows the skills and knowledge that employers require. Employability skills are skills needed not only to get a job but also to progress within an organization through Promote personal potential and contribute to the organization’s strategic direction. Practical skills include the following 8 skills:

1.Communication skills

2.  Teamwork skills

3.      Problem solving skills

4 .      Creative and adventurous skills (Initiative and enterprise skills.

5.      Planning and organizing skills

6.     Self-management skills

7.      Learning skills

8.      Technology skills
