According to Webmd, this sweet, refreshing fruit has a compound that may have similar effects as erectile dysfunction drugs on your blood vessels. Studies say it may even increase sexual desire.
The main ingredient of watermelon is water, the rest contains lycopene, an antioxidant that is good for your heart, prostate and skin.
These shellfish can increase testosterone levels and that can help with libido. They are also full of zinc, a nutrient your body needs. But please note that you need to cook them thoroughly.
Oysters are considered a “miracle drug” for men. This food is also considered a natural viagra to help enhance male physiology. Just by using 4 oysters a day, men already possess the secret to enhancing their physiology.
Fresh milk oysters contain high levels of biological zinc, vitamin E and antioxidants. This is a rich source of nutrients that help stimulate natural testosterone production and improve sperm quality. Regularly using fresh oysters is a way to improve physiology, contributing to improving erectile ability and increasing sperm quality.
A cup of coffee not only helps you feel refreshed and satisfied, but can also help your love life flourish. One study found that men who drank two or three cups of coffee a day were less likely to have erectile dysfunction.
That’s because caffeine helps increase blood flow. If you don’t like coffee, you can choose tea drinks sports contains caffeine.
According to the Andrology Center of Viet Duc Hospital (Hanoi) type This food is not simply a spice in daily meals but it is also considered a “miracle medicine” for health men. Onions contain many nutrients that stimulate the production of male sex hormones.
In addition, this type of bulb also provides extremely large amounts of nutrients to help supplement essential nutrients involved in spermatogenesis.
Walnuts are high in arginine, an amino acid your body uses to make nitric oxide. They are also a good source of vitamin E, folic acid and fiber. However, you only eat a few small handfuls in your daily diet. Nuts are high in calories.
You may like food adult drink made from grapes but here’s a reason to drink things that kids enjoy. The nutrients in grape juice also increase the amount of nitric oxide in your body.
If you don’t like grape juice, try pomegranate juice. It appears to have similar effects.
According to Medical News Today a study by the University of California ranked pomegranate juice as one of the 10 best juices for health. In addition, pomegranate juice also helps treat erectile dysfunction.
Drinking pomegranate juice has been shown to help improve sexual function in men. A 2007 study found that drinking pure pomegranate juice every day helped control erectile dysfunction.
Antioxidant concentration of pomegranate juice and its ability to impact oxidative stress making it a potential fertility food.
Drinking pomegranate juice can also increase testosterone levels in men and women one of the main hormones behind sexual desire.
It has a strong smell but is very helpful for “sex”. If plaque forms on the artery wall blood flow may be cut off or reduced. That can cause problems when it comes to sex.
Adding garlic to your diet can help keep your arteries healthy and clear.
Salmon and other fatty fish are good sources of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids that can boost nitric oxide in your body. They will reduce blood pressure and the risk of heart attacks and blood clots.
Aim to eat about 200g of salmon per week. Sardines, tuna and mackerel are other good sources of omega-3s.
Green vegetables
Kale also helps boost nitric oxide. Besides the possible benefits for your sex life, green leafy vegetables are also a rich source of nutrients. They are packed with vitamins, minerals and omega-3s.
You can spice up your sex life by adding a less chili into your diet. The substances in cayenne peppers, jalapenos habaneros, relax the arteries and help blood flow to the heart and other organs including the penis. Chili peppers can also help lower blood pressure cholesterol and prevent blood clots.
Olive oil
Olive oil can help your body create produce more testosterone. It also contains a lot of healthy monounsaturated fats that help eliminate bad cholesterol in the body.
Choose extra virgin olive oil, which means the olives are pressed without chemicals or high temperatures to help preserve health-beneficial antioxidants.</p >
Foods that need to be limited
– Hot and spicy foods like cinnamon pepper… are foods that men should not use.
< p>- Absolutely avoid using alcohol, tobacco and stimulants, alcoholic beverages and gas. These are foods that “kill” sperm and cause men to have impaired physiological function.