Treat swelling and bruising properly

However, there is still damage to soft tissue and capillaries, causing inflammation, swelling, pain, bleeding in soft tissue, and bruising.

For mild trauma, bruises often fade slowly. However, skin bruises can be uncomfortable and unsightly because the time it takes for the bruises to heal often takes a long time. At first, the bruise is red or pink, then red-purple after 1-2 days turns purple-blue. From 5 to 10 days the bruise gradually becomes green, pale and turns yellow. After 10 – 14 days the bruise will turn yellow brown and then fade. This process takes more than 2 weeks for the skin to return to its normal color.

Properly handle swelling and bruising

Applying ice properly helps reduce swelling and reduces bleeding under the skin.

To treat a bruise most effectively, you need to treat it while it is still a red mark. Immediately after being hit on any part of the body, act quickly Apply ice to the painful area for 5 – 10 minutes. You should apply ice several times, with an interval of about 1 hour between applications. Applying ice is only effective within 72 hours from the time of injury.

Applying ice helps blood vessels in tissue that are crushed due to injury to shrink and from there Reduces bleeding under the skin and reduces swelling. Ice can be applied to other injuries such as sprains and strains from insect bites and even pain in inflamed joints due to gout.

Note: Do not Apply ice directly to the skin, but wrap the ice in a towel before applying. Or you can also take a washcloth, dip it in cold water and then place it on the painful area.

If the bruise is on the leg, it may appear that when sitting or lying with the leg propped up, there will be a bruise. purple to help blood circulate easily and reduce swelling. Limit movement on the legs that have bruises.

If after 48 hours the bruise is still painful, apply heat treatment using a warm compress with a warm towel. a hot water bottle or hot bag but enough to keep warm to avoid burns.

In case the bruise is accompanied by the following signs, take it to a facility nearest medical facility for emergency treatment: When the bruise is accompanied by fever; bruises near the eyes; The bruise swells, turns red and is very painful; the child cannot move; bruises that do not disappear after 2 weeks; Sudden bruises with no clear cause or appearing many times often without explanation.

People often rub hot oil when they are swollen and bruised, but in reality, rubbing Massaging with hot oil further damages the capillaries causing more internal bleeding. You should avoid massaging and rubbing with oil and especially do not use blood thinners or apply bear bile too early (in the first 24 hours after the impact) because it can cause more bleeding and increase swelling and bruising. .

According to Master Vu Hong Anh

Health and Life