Top 20+ Aquatic plants that are easy to grow, beautiful and help purify the air

Aquatic plants not only bring a fresh and vibrant look to your home but also help effectively purify the air. Here are the top 20 types of aquatic plants that can make anyone “fall in love at first sight.”

1. Anubias

Anubias is a small woody plant with wide-spreading foliage. The size of the aquatic plant is relatively small, suitable for placement on desks, water drinking tables, and decorative shelves. It not only enhances the beauty of the space but also effectively purifies the air and repels mosquitoes.

Anubias aquatic plant
Anubias aquatic plant

A small Anubias aquatic plant will definitely make your home more attractive and modern. The image of the twisted stem and the cluster of fine roots will surely satisfy you. Although it prefers bright light, you should not place Anubias in direct sunlight, as excessive light can cause leaf burn and hinder photosynthesis and growth.

2. Moneywort

Moneywort is a robust aquatic plant that thrives even in enclosed environments such as offices. It remains green in a remarkable way. With its climbing stem and clustered roots, when planted as a water plant, you can easily appreciate its entire beauty.

Moneywort aquatic plant
Moneywort aquatic plant

Moneywort not only offers a youthful and fresh appearance but also has the ability to absorb toxins in the air, reducing stress and anxiety. It brings new inspiration to people, especially when placed near a computer. It can also absorb harmful radiation, thus helping to prevent eye-related illnesses.

3. Java Moss

Java Moss is a type of plant commonly used for decorating fish tanks. In addition to the traditional green color, Java Moss can also exhibit eye-catching pink and vibrant yellow tones. Planting Java Moss inside the fish tank serves the purpose of beautifying the space while providing an ideal habitat for aquatic species.

Java Moss aquatic plant
Java Moss aquatic plant

Scaly plants are relatively easy to cultivate and care for. Mature plants can reach heights ranging from 20 to 50cm. These plants originate from Asia and thrive in environments with abundant CO2. They are also less prone to harmful pests and diseases.

4. Amazon Sword

The Amazon Sword is a popular aquatic plant chosen by many Vietnamese people for office and home decoration. It possesses a unique and distinctive beauty. The upper part of the leaf has alternating green and white patches. Its cluster of strong roots extends deep into the pot. No matter who you are, you cannot deny the strength of this plant.

Indoor Amazon Sword plant
Amazon Sword aquatic plant

Typically, the roots of Amazon Swords are ivory white. If the roots change color, it indicates that the plant is diseased. In this case, you should reduce the water level and trim the damaged roots to promote regrowth. Especially, Amazon Swords are selective about the water in the tank. If you use tap water for planting, allow the water to sit in the container for a day to remove chlorine. Then add half of a B1 tablet to provide nutrients for the plant.

5. Peace Lily

Just hearing the name “peace lily” evokes a sense of elegance and sophistication for this aquatic plant. According to ancient beliefs, the peace lily is a symbol of tranquility and gracefulness. Its flowers have a pure and pearl-like white color. All parts of the plant carry positive meanings.

Desktop Peace Lily plant
Peace Lily aquatic plant

In aquatic conditions, peace lilies are relatively easy to cultivate and care for, with low susceptibility to harmful pests and diseases and a long lifespan. Mature plants can have leaf stalk lengths ranging from 12 to 65cm and leaf widths ranging from 3 to 25cm. When experiencing water deficiency, the leaves of the plant often droop, indicating a lack of vitality. However, there is no need to worry too much. Simply add water to the plant pot and wait for 5 to 10 minutes. After this period, the plant will regain its freshness as before.

6. Java Fern

Similar to the Amazon Sword, Java Fern is predominantly planted in various types of freshwater aquariums. However, unlike the small size of scaly plants, Java Fern has larger leaves. They often grow in clusters, creating a unique focal point within the aquarium space. In addition to its decorative purpose, Java Fern also helps purify the air and enhance oxygen levels in the aquarium.

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Beautiful Java Fern aquatic plant
Java Fern aquatic plant

Java Fern aquatic plants have long and wide clusters of roots, allowing them to thrive and grow well in various aquarium environments. With these plants, your aquarium will undoubtedly become undeniably beautiful.

7. Money Plant

Money plant, also known as the Chinese Money Plant or Pilea, can be cultivated both as an aquatic plant and in potted soil. Typically, aquatic plants are slightly smaller in size compared to potted plants. The fleshy and plump stems of the money plant symbolize wealth, luck, and good fortune.

Money plant growing in water
Money Plant aquatic plant

In addition to enhancing the visual appeal of the living space, the Money Plant can also improve health. Specifically, it can reduce eye strain, enhance oxygen levels, purify the air, and effectively reduce stress. Despite its many positive meanings, the stems and sap of the Money Plant contain a small amount of toxins. Therefore, it is advisable to keep the plant out of reach of children to minimize any potential adverse effects on their health.

8. Water Wisteria

When mentioning Wisteria, many people immediately think of the terrestrial variety with beautiful pink flowers. However, this is the aquatic form of Wisteria, so its appearance differs from the terrestrial counterpart. It also has elongated leaves, but the size of Water Wisteria is significantly larger than that of terrestrial Wisteria.

Water Wisteria aquatic plant
Water Wisteria aquatic plant

According to plant experts, Water Wisteria symbolizes enduring friendship and vitality. If you have this aquatic plant in your aquarium, it will undoubtedly create a perfect focal point, making your home more beautiful and convenient.

9. Lucky Bamboo

If you want your home or office to stand out in terms of beauty, Lucky Bamboo aquatic plant is the perfect choice. Unlike other houseplants or aquatic plants, Lucky Bamboo not only has green leaves but also features prominent red and pink colors on its stem and leaf blades. This unique and eye-catching combination creates a striking beauty.

Lucky Bamboo aquatic plant
Lucky Bamboo aquatic plant

Lucky Bamboo aquatic plants have large, wide leaves, small stems, and clusters of white roots. When planted in a glass container, you can easily observe the beauty of these roots. Compared to other aquatic plants, Lucky Bamboo is prone to diseases. One of the most common diseases is leaf rot, which occurs when the plant is placed in an area with insufficient light, hindering photosynthesis, or in an excessively humid environment. To prevent this condition, you should carefully choose a suitable location for your Lucky Bamboo aquatic plant.

10. Ludwigia

Ludwigia, also known as Water Purslane or Creeping Primrose-willow, features an eye-catching pink color. However, in Ludwigia aquatic plants, the pink color is found in the center of the leaf, rather than at the edges like in Lucky Bamboo. Ludwigia originates from Thailand and is commonly cultivated in Southeast Asia. The leaves of Ludwigia are relatively narrow, and mature plants can reach heights ranging from 20 to 40cm. Ludwigia flowers have a white color. Although not as visually striking as the leaves, they still provide an attractive embellishment for the overall landscape.

Desktop Ludwigia aquatic plant
Ludwigia aquatic plant

Ludwigia is a water-loving plant, so it requires more frequent watering compared to other aquatic plants. In addition to its decorative purpose, this plant also has air-purifying properties, improving the overall air quality. One small note is that Ludwigia can fade when exposed to excessive sunlight. Therefore, it is recommended not to place it in an area with direct sunlight.

11. Hydrocotyle

Hydrocotyle aquatic plants bear a close resemblance to land-based pennyworts. They originate from farms in the United States and are primarily found in swampy areas of Southeast Asia. They are suitable for use as ornamental plants in aquariums.

Hydrocotyle aquatic plant
Hydrocotyle aquatic plant

Hydrocotyle has attractive banana green leaves, strong growth capabilities, and is easy to cultivate and care for. Although it is an aquatic plant, you can also choose to grow Hydrocotyle in terrestrial conditions. However, its growth will not be as vigorous as when submerged in water. During the growth process, Hydrocotyle primarily absorbs CO2 to produce nutrients for its body, which makes it an excellent air purifier. The ideal temperature for this plant is between 17 to 30 degrees Celsius.

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12. Rotala

The type of Rotala aquatic plant introduced by Quatest is Rotala with upright stems and large leaves. The upper side of the leaves is white in the center and green on the edges, distinguishing it from climbing Rotala (also known as Moneywort), which is a common misconception.

Rotala aquatic plant
Rotala aquatic plant

Van Nien Thanh, scientifically known as Dieffenbachia Amoena, belongs to the Araceae family. It typically grows to a height of 40 to 100cm when cultivated in offices and 15 to 35cm when potted for desks. Van Nien Thanh flowers are ivory white and primarily appear in cool weather. Van Nien Thanh aquatic plants thrive in well-ventilated environments with ample light and moderate humidity. Therefore, it is recommended to place them near windows or corridors and water them 1 to 2 times a week.

13. Anubias

Based on the name, it may seem quite “ancient,” and the truth is that these Anubias species share the same origin as their land-based counterparts. The difference is that they predominantly live underwater and have smaller sizes compared to their terrestrial counterparts.
In reality, there are many different species of aquatic Anubias, such as Anubias barteri, Anubias lanceolata, and Anubias heterophylla. However, the most common ones are the regular Anubias and Anubias hornwort.

Regular Anubias aquatic plant
Regular Anubias aquatic plant

Anubias typically originates from Asia and has a height ranging from 15 to 30cm. The prominent black spots on the leaves are natural characteristics of the leaf structure and not signs of disease, as many people may think. Anubias is generally easy to grow, but due to its light-loving nature, it may develop relatively slowly when grown in aquariums. The ideal temperature for its growth is between 18 and 30 degrees Celsius, with a pH level ranging from 5 to 8.

14. Snake Plant

Snake Plant is a familiar plant to many, but most people believe it is only suitable for potting on land and not aware that it can also be grown as an aquatic plant. Although its growth may not be as vigorous as on land, the aquatic environment is still conducive to its development. Furthermore, aquatic Snake Plants possess an elegance that their land-based counterparts do not.

Aquatic Snake Plant
Aquatic Snake Plant

Aquatic Snake Plants have excellent air-purifying capabilities. They absorb CO2 and release O2 through respiration and photosynthesis, making them beneficial for human health. The appearance of aquatic Snake Plants is quite unique, with leaf blades shaped like a spearhead, tapering to two ends. They have a mix of green and yellow colors, appearing plump and succulent. Using aquatic Snake Plants to decorate work desks and offices brings a youthful and modern beauty to the space.

15. Vallisneria

In reality, there are many types of aquatic plants, including ones with large leaves, small leaves, dark green color, or even a variegated appearance. In this article, Quatest will introduce you to the Variegated Cryptocoryne aquatic plant.

Variegated Cryptocoryne aquatic plant
Variegated Cryptocoryne aquatic plant

The Variegated Cryptocoryne aquatic plant has an attractive appearance. It has small leaves and reaches a height of 5 to 12cm. It is relatively easy to cultivate and care for. According to scientific research, the ideal living temperature for Variegated Cryptocoryne is between 19 and 30 degrees Celsius. Planting them in an aquarium will bring a fresh new look to your home.

16. Red Amazon Sword

The Amazon Sword plant primarily lives on land and originates from Colombia, mainly found in Central and South America. Besides being called Amazon Sword, this plant also goes by many other names, such as Red Melon Sword or Red Amazon Sword. The aquatic Amazon Sword plant has the same growth and development characteristics as its land-based counterpart. Therefore, you don’t have to worry when choosing this aquatic plant to decorate your office or home.

Aquatic Red Amazon Sword plant
Aquatic Red Amazon Sword plant

The leaves of the aquatic Red Amazon Sword plant are dark green, and its flowers can be prominently red or pure white. A mature Red Amazon Sword plant has broad leaves ranging from 9 to 15cm in width. The stem is straight, and the leaf stalk has a cylindrical shape, measuring from 30 to 40cm in length. When choosing the aquatic Amazon Sword plant, you can observe the roots, stem, leaves, and flowers of the plant. They will make you feel more lively and comfortable after long hours of work.

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17. Water Lily

Water Lily is an aquatic plant with vibrant and striking appearances. A single group of its flowers can have up to seven colors. Therefore, Water Lily is the perfect choice for those who appreciate uniqueness and boldness.

Water Lily aquatic plant
Water Lily aquatic plant

The aquatic Water Lily belongs to the family Nymphaeaceae. It has a rosette of leaves growing mainly at the base, and its double flowers are stacked on top of each other, forming an exquisite tower-like structure. Water Lily flowers have delicate and gentle petals, emanating a rich fragrance. The large swollen tuber at the base and the cluster of white roots also contribute to the plant’s unique appearance, making it easily distinguishable. Although it is relatively easy to cultivate and care for, to encourage blooming, it is advisable to choose nutrient-rich planting soil and position the plant in a cool, sunlit area.

18. Money Plant

The Money Plant is one of the most popular aquatic plants nowadays. It is extremely easy to cultivate and care for, and it has a long lifespan. When planting this type of plant, you don’t need to worry too much about light or humidity. Just provide enough water for the plant, and it will thrive.

Money Plant aquatic plant
Money Plant aquatic plant

The Money Plant has a stout stem, thick and abundant water leaves that grow closely together. It can even survive when you cut off its roots, as long as you immerse the stem in water. The Money Plant is a symbol of prosperity, honesty, courage, and strong vitality that overcomes all obstacles. It carries many positive meanings and promises to be a perfect suggestion for enhancing the living room of your home.

19. Water Gun

The aquatic Water Gun species mentioned by Quatest in this article is not the type of gun primarily found in our wetland areas. Instead, it refers to a small-leaved water gun plant with prominent pink or red leaves, rather than the familiar dark green color. The Water Gun plant is also known as the Water Cannon plant. It is mainly cultivated in aquariums for ornamental purposes.

Water Gun aquatic plants
Water Gun aquatic plants

This plant has a relatively small size and thrives at temperatures ranging from 15 to 30 degrees Celsius. It is propagated from tubers and grows rapidly, with multiple leaves sprouting in just a few days. The Water Gun plant does not produce flowers; however, the appearance of its leaves is enough to satisfy even the most discerning customers.

20. Japanese Pondweed

Japanese Pondweed is perhaps a familiar plant to everyone. In Vietnam, it can be found in many places, especially in wetlands, fields, and ponds in rural areas. Japanese Pondweed’s scientific name is Hydrocharitaceae, first described by Heine in 1968.

Japanese Pondweed
Japanese Pondweed

Japanese Pondweed is a floating aquatic plant. Its stems and roots are submerged underwater, while its leaves and flowers are above the water’s surface. The Japanese Pondweed introduced by Quatest has small leaves and does not produce flowers, slightly different from its natural counterpart. With this characteristic, you can easily arrange it in an aquarium to create a natural and fresh look while making the aquarium more impressive.

Have you found your favorite aquatic plant among the 20 species introduced here? If not, please comment below for advice and answers as soon as possible.