Honeysuckle: Herb to treat sinusitis

Honeysuckle is a medicine prepared from the flowers of the Honeysuckle plant, a vine with a stem as big as a chopstick 9-10m long with many branches that are green when young and brownish-red when old. The leaves are egg-shaped and grow opposite leaf blades, 1-5-5cm wide and 3-8cm long. The tree has a special characteristic: its leaves are green all year round in the cold season That’s why it is also called “winter ring” to endure the cold weather of winter. The fragrant flowers are white when they first bloom and later turn yellow. The flowers and leaves are used as medicine, but people often separate the flowers to make medicine especially because flowers are more effective than leaves.


Honeysuckle has many effects, including the important effects of antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral. Many studies have proven that honeysuckle has the effect of inhibiting many types of bacteria such as staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic streptococcus, pneumococcus, dysentery, pertussis, typhoid, green pus bacilli and some other types of bacteria. influenza virus fungus. In addition, Honeysuckle also has anti-inflammatory effects, reduces cooling secretions and increases the phagocytic effect of white blood cells.

The characteristics of sinusitis are inflammation and edema of the mucous membranes in the sinuses, causing blockage of the sinus openings, creating a favorable environment. allows bacteria and some types of fungi to grow. Most cases of sinusitis will lead to infection in the sinus area and this often requires the use of antibiotics for treatment.


In traditional medicine, honeysuckle is considered a valuable medicine and is considered an antibiotic. Plants are effective in treating many diseases related to infections. Honeysuckle, with its sweet, cooling taste, has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, and disinfecting, and is often used to treat sinusitis.

 Based on inheriting the experience of using the article “Thuong ear tu tan” (Ancient medicine  famous by famous physician Nghiem Dung Hoa) add Astragalus astragalus to nourish the spleen, strengthen the spleen, prevent wind and relieve wind. and especially honeysuckle has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing and anti-allergy, helping Esha sinusitis medicine product achieve high effectiveness in the treatment of sinusitis and allergic rhinitis.< /p>