What is rosemary? What is the effect in life?

Rosemary, or lavender rosemary, is a small and charming herb. If you’re curious about this plant, take a look at the information below.

Information about Rosemary

Scientific Name and Origin

Rosemary’s scientific name is Rosmarinus Officinalis, commonly known as Rosemary. Besides its main name, it is also called Dew of the Sea. It belongs to the flowering plant family Lamiaceae. It was first described in 1753.

Rosemary plant

Rosemary originates from the Mediterranean region and is extensively grown in Southern Europe, Western Asia, and North Africa. In Vietnam, it is commonly cultivated in the Central and Southern provinces.

Plant Characteristics


Rosemary has cluster roots similar to paper flowers, but the roots of rosemary are more abundant and relatively short. The roots can grow from seeds or the plant’s stem. Therefore, rosemary is easy to cultivate and propagate.


Rosemary stems are woody and branch out. They have an average height of 1 to 2 meters and usually grow in bushy formations. Unlike other plant species, rosemary stems have a gentle, pleasant aroma. They can create a comfortable and soothing atmosphere for people.

Rosemary stems
Rosemary stems


Rosemary leaves are narrow, long, and without petioles. The edges of the leaves are folded downward. They have a dark green, smooth appearance and are densely located on the branches of the plant. These leaves are one of the most valuable parts of the plant.


Rosemary flowers have a light blue color that leans towards purple, with a length of about 1cm. When in bloom, the flowers are evenly arranged in leaf clusters. Typically, a branch of the plant will have 2 to 10 flower clusters. The blooming flowers have a strong, rich, and captivating fragrance.

Uses of Rosemary

Previously, Quatest mentioned that rosemary is a plant with many benefits. Now, let’s delve into the details of those benefits.

Rosemary as a valuable medicinal herb

Alongside apricot blossoms, rosemary has long been used in the field of medicine. This is because the plant has a bitter and warm taste. It contains choline, water-insoluble glycosides, a saponosid acid, and various organic acids. Therefore, it can be used as a diuretic and blood mover. When used in moderate amounts, rosemary can help with urinary issues and promote bowel movements. In European countries, this plant is also used to treat arthritis and headaches.

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Rosemary as a valuable medicinal herb
Rosemary as a valuable medicinal herb

Rosemary enhances memory

Rosemary contains a high amount of terpenes. Terpenes are compounds that can prevent the breakdown of Acetylcholine (C7H17NO3), a neurotransmitter in the nervous system. This enhances human memory and cognitive abilities.

Rosemary repels mosquitoes and reduces stress

At first glance, it may seem illogical because rosemary is just a plant. How could it provide safety for living spaces? However, this has been verified in practice. The truth is that the fragrance of rosemary can diffuse up to 15m2. This fragrance is not just the scent of an ordinary plant but can also repel mosquitoes and promote emotional stability, reducing anxiety very effectively. As a result, your living space will be much cleaner and safer.

Rosemary as a culinary spice

Rosemary as a culinary spice Rosemary can be used as a culinary spice

For dishes with a strong odor such as seafood, rosemary can be used as an effective odor neutralizer. White meat dishes like chicken or various vegetables such as potatoes and carrots can also benefit from the addition of rosemary leaves. This enhances the flavor of the food, making it more rich and appealing. In Europe, rosemary is commonly used in dishes such as roasted lamb, lamb chops, lamb stew, and steak.

Side Effects of Rosemary

Although rosemary is a relatively mild and safe plant for human health, improper use can potentially cause harm.
For example, scientific studies have shown that excessive use of rosemary or rosemary essential oil can lead to excessive intestinal contractions, causing dizziness and frequent headaches. Using rosemary regularly for infants can result in temporary excitement, which can gradually affect their brain development. Additionally, pregnant women and individuals with epilepsy should consult with physicians before using this plant.

Caring for Rosemary Plants

As mentioned earlier, Quatest pointed out that rosemary can be grown from cuttings or seeds. While it is easy to grow, taking care of this plant can be a bit challenging. To ensure proper growth and development of the plant, you need to prepare the following conditions:

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Rosemary thrives best in temperatures ranging from 20 to 32 degrees Celsius. Therefore, growing it outdoors will help the plant thrive better.

Rosemary temperature
Rosemary thrives best in temperatures ranging from 20 to 32 degrees Celsius


Rosemary is a sun-loving plant, but excessive direct sunlight can cause the leaves to wither and fade quickly. Therefore, after planting the plant, you should place it in a location with moderate light. It is best to provide some shade from other taller plants.


Since rosemary is not a moisture-loving plant, you don’t need to water it excessively. On average, you should only water it 2 to 3 times a week, with 100-200ml of water each time. This ensures that the water does not accumulate too much at the root, causing root rot. Especially when watering, you should only water in the morning and avoid watering the stem and leaves of the plant.


Fertilizing is a good measure to stimulate the growth and development of the plant. However, with rosemary, you don’t need to fertilize too much. For a plant height of 35 to 40cm, 100-200ml per root is sufficient. Even without fertilizing, the plant can still grow well, but you still need to apply lime to the soil. This provides natural calcium to help the plant detoxify and enhance its resilience.

Additional Information

1. Is a desktop rosemary plant good?

As a natural herb, using a desktop rosemary plant will not have any negative impact on your health. Moreover, the plant’s parts do not contain toxins. The plant’s fragrance (even before flowering) also acts as a mosquito repellent. So using a desktop rosemary plant is highly beneficial. However, in the case of pregnant women, individuals with epilepsy, and young children, it is necessary to consider the use of this plant for desktop purposes.

Desktop rosemary plant
Desktop rosemary plant

2. Common diseases in rosemary plants

Blackening of rosemary leaves

The blackening of rosemary leaves can occur due to various reasons. It could be caused by harmful insects, excessive humidity promoting bacterial growth, or improper care and overwatering by the grower. In this case, you should prune and remove the diseased leaves. Then, transfer the plant to a different pot and pay attention to daily care routines.

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If the disease persists, you may consider using some insecticides or fungicides for plant protection. However, it is important to seek advice from knowledgeable individuals about plants and pesticides before using them.

Wilting of rosemary plants

The wilting of rosemary plants can be caused by one of the following four reasons:

  • Damage caused by insects
  • Attack of Verticillium fungus on small branches and leaves
  • Direct attack of Phytophthora fungus on the plant roots
  • Underwatering
Wilting of rosemary
Wilting of rosemary

When facing this issue, you should also prune the diseased branches and leaves as you would for blackened leaves. Then, check the moisture level of the planting soil. If it is too dry, water the plant. If it is too wet, transfer the plant to a different pot and check the drainage capacity of the pot’s bottom before replanting. This ensures proper water drainage when watering the plant.

3. Does rosemary help with sleep?

In addition to its ability to improve and enhance memory, rosemary can also help individuals achieve a deep and restful sleep. This is due to its components containing Terpenes, Borneol, Bornyl acetate, Camphor, and Cineole.
Rosemary is a beneficial herb in daily life. However, to use it properly, you should consult with healthcare professionals or traditional medicine practitioners. This helps minimize any potential unwanted side effects that this plant may have on individuals. If you have any further questions or need clarification, please feel free to contact us.