Don’t forget to learn the basics

There have been many conferences and many educational reform projects, but they only focus on strong in cities and provincial centers and districts, it is even harder to come close to the reality of rural education in general and mountainous areas and ethnic minority areas in particular.

Education reform that Starting from the textbook program, it sounds very new and very modern, but we forget that the starting point of Vietnam’s economy is starting from agriculture, starting from agriculture or to put it bluntly, starting from the countryside. go out. In the past, when I was working in Hanoi, I saw young children dancing and singing naturally, dancing well and singing well. My friends kept praising them that they were good, but I argued with them that they would study better and more fully if children from other places could study the same way. Then there is nothing inferior.

Don't forget to learn the basics

And when the preschool education system was established, many central economic centers had kindergartens and kindergartens. The children were fully educated and they also sang well and danced well. even more than children in big cities or urban areas. And that fact was further confirmed at the end of the University and College exams in the 2009 – 2010 school year, all of the valedictorians and candidates with high scores were from poor families.

We point out this fact to remind that Don’t forget the first lesson. If you are properly taught and fully educated, not only the city but all children in all regions will be able to demonstrate their intelligence.

In 2007, General Secretary Nong Duc Manh visited and worked in Con Cuong district, Nghe An (Con Cuong is a high mountain border district with 80% ethnic minorities) when he watched elementary school students perform musical performances to celebrate Uncle Nong Duc. Manh came to visit Con Cuong.

From the program’s introduction, song introduction, congratulatory speech to the very good and professional performances, General Secretary Nong Duc Manh was surprised one after another. another surprise. When speaking to cadres, key Party members of the district, the General Secretary said: “I watched the children of ethnic minority areas perform arts and felt like I was in Hanoi watching the children of the capital perform… !”.

The question is why the children can sing and dance like that. Because the preschool system in Con Cuong is developed in the villages, children from 4-5 years old are basically mobilized to go to school, first to learn Mandarin, then to sing, to dance, to board at the school and to learn from school. The new thing is the good thing: listening to sing, watching the girls dance, then singing, dancing, so the children already know how to dance, sing, sing, and dance.

In the past, kindergarten classes today, in our opinion, are an important initial stepping stone to create Let students grasp from simple elementary things to complex things. The teachers know how to teach children to speak Mandarin fluently, become familiar with numbers, read and write so that they can go to elementary and middle school without having to waste time re-learning and there is no re-study program.

Very Many teachers talked to us about the issue of requiring teachers to teach in mountainous and ethnic minority areas to know the ethnic language. They do not object, but is it necessary? A teacher takes on the task of teaching. Their main responsibility is to impart knowledge to students. Of course, knowing the ethnic language is easier to convey, but it also has the negative effect of not letting students grasp the Mandarin language and express it in Mandarin so that when taking exams at foreign universities. Higher levels do not have separate exam questions for ethnic languages ​​expressed in ethnic languages?!
In the past, when entering elementary school, students had to learn letters, numbers, rhymes, distinguish between adjectives, high ridges (gh), low ridges (G), short i (I), long i (Y) and learn pronunciation. It took them a while to become familiar with it, so even though they are old now, they still pronounce and write correctly. Nowadays, because we don’t study and pronounce fully, we read and write a lot wrongly.

There is one thing that fortunately we discovered late because in the past we did not focus on universalizing preschool levels but universalizing primary education. went to middle school first, so he sat in the wrong class and didn’t know how to read or write, but he still graduated from elementary school and middle school.

The rule of human cognition is from not knowing to knowing, from knowing little to know a lot from shallow to deep from incomplete to perfect. In order for students to no longer speak wrongly, write wrongly, read wrongly, if they do not have the conditions to invest heavily in preschool education, please do not forget the first… class.

Phung Van Mui