Party membership fee payment level in 2024

The 2024 party fee payment rate of party members are guided in Official Dispatch 141-CV/VPTW/nb dated March 17, 2011.

According to Party members’ monthly income to calculate party fees includes: salary, some allowances, wages, living expenses, other income.

Party members can determine their regular income and pay party fees according to the ratio (% ) of monthly income (not including deductions for personal income tax); party members whose income is difficult to determine must stipulate specific monthly payment rates for each type of person.

For party members In administrative agencies, political organizations, social-political organizations, the monthly party fee is equal to 1% of the salary (salary according to salary grade increases according to the regulations of the competent authority) and allowances close social insurance.

Wages and income for calculating party membership fees of party members including salary according to grade and salary increase due to implementation of financial autonomy mechanism according to Decree 130/2005/ND-CP and Circular 03/2006/TTLT-BTC-BNV; Position allowances for seniority exceeding the professional seniority limit are included in social insurance contributions.

Party members who are subject to the salary regime must pay a monthly party fee equal to 1% of the salary they receive.

Allowances that do not include income to pay party fees such as: attraction allowances, incentives, occupational allowances that do not include social insurance contributions.

Party members receive social insurance salaries to pay for party membership. The monthly fee is equal to 05% of the social insurance salary.

For party members working in public service units and economic organizations the monthly party fee is equal to 1% of salary (including increased salary) allowances for calculating social insurance…

Wages and income for calculating party fees include: Salary according to rank and grade; Additional salary (if any) is decided and approved by the competent authority; Other additional income is paid from the unit’s salary fund; Allowances are calculated to pay social insurance.

Party members who are eligible for a salary regime must pay a monthly party fee equal to 1% of their salary.

Party members working in enterprises pay monthly party fees equal to 1% of salary, social insurance allowance calculation; Wages and other income from the unit’s salary fund are guided as follows:

Income from the enterprise’s salary fund approved by competent authorities during the year Additional salary comes from the unit’s business results.

Party members who are eligible for a salary regime must pay a monthly party fee equal to 1% of the salary they receive.