Records of The Light, the apartment building involved in the incident of attacking a neighbor with a knife

On July 21, a resident living on the 6th floor, Building B, The Light apartment building said that while he was at home with his two children, he was attacked by a neighbor holding a knife.

On July 24, the police of Trung Van ward, Nam Tu Liem district, Hanoi city, said that the unit was preparing a file and proposed to the district police to handle a case showing signs of mental illness and commotion” at The Light apartment complex.

The Light is a mixed-use building including offices, commercial centers and housing. This project is located in the overall planning of Trung Van new urban area Deployed from 2009-2013.

The building was built on a land area of ​​8,926 m2 located on the extended Le Van Luong street. The building design includes 25-storey twin towers, 2 basements, 5 floors commercial services and 304 apartments. Total investment is about 1,000 billion VND.

Initially, this project was invested by Viettel – Hancic Housing Development Company Limited. This company is a joint venture between Military Telecommunications Industry Group (Viettel) with 70% capital contribution and Hanoi Construction Investment Joint Stock Company (Hancic) with 30% capital contribution.

Year 2009Phuc Hung Constrexim Construction Investment and Import-Export Joint Stock Company (predecessor of Phuc Hung Holdings Construction Joint Stock Company – code chung-hoan (PHC) bought Hancic’s entire capital contribution and interests in the joint venture. above mentioned business.

Report finance in 2013 said that Phuc Hung acquired 30% of charter capital with an amount of 11,022 billion VND.

This unit recorded the cost of purchasing 30% of Hancic’s book value in the joint venture with an amount of VND 3074 billion in the item “Investment in joint venture affiliated companies”. The remainder is recorded in the item “Long-term prepaid expenses” which is the cost of the right to buy products from the above joint venture project.

In 2013, Phuc Hung recorded 333 billion VND in revenue from Viettel – Hancic Housing Development Company Limited and VND 18 billion in dividends. In 2012, this project also brought Phuc Hung 958 billion VND in revenue and 46 billion VND in dividends from the joint venture company.

In 2021, The Light is on the list of projects that must pay money according to Thanh’s conclusion. Tra 1203/KL-TTCP. The additional amount that needs to be paid is 268 billion VND.

By 2022, Viettel has proposed that the Government Inspector General propose to the Prime Minister to decide that this group does not have to continue to fulfill its obligations. Pay additional land use fees of over 268 billion VND.

The enterprise said that on December 30, 2014, it transferred all 70% of its capital contribution to Phuc Hung at a transfer price of 86 billion VND. Therefore, Viettel has no legal basis to fulfill this financial obligation because it is not the project investor.

On some real estate brokerage websites, apartments in this project are being listed. advertised at a price of 34-38 million VND/m2.