The letter the mother who had an abortion sent for burial left everyone “dumbfounded”

Mid-August in front of the door of the Rose manor, where more than 10,000 fetuses are buried on Hon Thom mountain (Vinh Ngoc commune, Nha Trang city) a light pink box with a lovely pink bow was left behind.

When opening the box, Ms. Pham Thi Kim Loi (36 years old, nicknamed Be Be) As if dumbfounded, a small fetus was placed in a box, accompanied by a letter that made her unable to bear it.

The content of the letter was as follows: “Hello, dear Ms. Be! First of all, let me thank you very much for your kindness in adopting me. For reasons difficult circumstances so I had to give up my blood. The baby is 5 weeks and 5 days old and I don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl yet. I named the baby Dinh Binh An. I sent the baby to ask her to take care of her and give her a good place to live. Thank you very much. The baby died on August 14, 2022″.

The letter the mother who had an abortion sent for burial left everyone

The mother of a thousand children

Referring to the mother with the most children in Nha Trang city, many people jokingly say: “There is no one in this whole land of Nha Trang.” has as many children as Be Be on Hon Thom mountain”. People in Vinh Ngoc commune also often call Ms. Be Be by the nickname “mother of a thousand children” because over the past 18 years she has buried more than 10,000 fetuses at Hoa Hong manor.

“Fetuses The first time I buried them here was on July 13, 2004. The children were abandoned because the mother was unable to take care of them. My hands were shaking and tears were pouring out “Can’t forget” Ms. Be Be recounted the first day of doing a job that few people dare to do.

Just like everyone else when first coming into contact with the fetuses, Ms. Kim Loi was also very scared. However, when she has done a lot of work, she considers this “the job I have to do”. Every day, when she sees the gift boxes left in front of the manor, she tells herself to always be strong to “take care of the children”.

In the past 3 years, many people have come to the manor to see the number of boxes. There are more and more gifts sent to distant provinces. Even though she is so used to this, every time she receives a new gift box her heart still tightens.

In mid-August, after receiving the gift box with a letter from Dinh Binh An’s mother, I cried again. There are many times when parcels from the provinces are sent to my home, sometimes they are gift boxes, sometimes they are black plastic bags. Even without the sender’s name or address, I still know what’s inside. There was a time when the children returned to Hoa Hong and must have gone through a long and painful journey,” Ms. Loi emotionally recounted.

At times like that, the mother of thousands of children could only sadly complete her final work. for the children. She soon completed the procedures to bring the children to their resting place as quickly as possible so that each child would no longer feel cold.

Two premature births

Be Be said that when she received the abandoned fetuses, she would clean them with alcohol and use cotton to plug their ears and nose. Once clean, the children would be carefully dressed in linen clothes and then placed in a jar and a trunk Depending on the shape, tea leaves will be added to each jar and then, depending on the sender’s religion, she will perform a suitable burial.

“The children were not lucky enough to see your face. But then returning to Rose is like my second home and my adopted children. I will take care of my children until the end of their lives,” Ms. Be said.

Over the past 18 years, the manor from a small plot of land has now become a large cemetery with more than 10,000 fetuses. The number of fetuses is increasing day by day until now Ms. Loi cannot remember the specific number.

“There were many years of big storms where rocks rolled down from the top of the mountain and crushed many graves. At that time, my husband and I had to We mobilized many people to help push the stones out. Luckily, I took notes when I buried them, so finding my children’s identities was quite easy,” Ms. Loi confided.

During the process of transporting the bricks. and cement up the mountain to repair the manor. Ms. Be gave birth prematurely twice because of overwork. Many people thought she would give up the job of burying the fetus, but after each difficult time, she became stronger.

“As a mother, she loves her children so much that she gave birth to sick children. I just don’t have the heart to work, not to mention seeing babies being abandoned while still in their mother’s womb. Many babies are no longer intact and abandoned on the street… just thinking about it makes me want to cry be with the Rose manor or somewhere safe so that the soul can be somewhat comforted” the mother of a thousand children thought.