Without money, dreams are just an illusion

At this time, when students have almost chosen their major and school, somewhere, there are people who are wondering how to continue to realize their dreams.

Recently on a forum On a large forum with millions of members, a young person’s confession has attracted the attention of tens of thousands of accounts and also created two streams of controversy in the online community.

On the forum this person wrote: “At the end of 12 years of school with a score of 27+, I thought that at this moment a new life with dreams and aspirations would open up. I was excited and happy. But then my dad said: “Our family doesn’t have enough money to support our child in studying such an expensive major. We still owe money, and dad doesn’t want to take on another loan.”

At that moment, my throat choked up. again. Well, the adult world has no room for dreams if you don’t have money.

But no, dad: That’s my dream, that’s my life, I don’t want it just because it’s not enough economy, your dream is no longer there.

But my child: Mom and Dad are old. Mom and Dad have worked hard for many years to save money. Dad has had to shoulder the burden of this whole house for 18 years. debt on your shoulders. Dad buried himself so hard that he didn’t dare buy a new pair of shoes for a whole year. My mother is not as healthy as other people, her salary is only enough to buy medicine. Parents don’t want to borrow money because they don’t want to see their children have to carry a huge amount of money on their shoulders without knowing when they will pay it off…

So what about your child’s dream? I don’t want to give it up. How will you live if you have to live without a dream?

But, my child, that’s your dream, but you also carry your parents’ dream on your shoulders.

Without money, dreams are just an illusion

Because So maybe I have to give up this dream. I will live a different life, dad. I will end my dream here. But maybe in the future, every time I remember that dream, I will suddenly cry because there are things I can’t get back anymore.”

Before the above confessions, many people thought that this young person are dependent on their parents.

Account N.P.S: “If you’re 18 years old, go get some student loans from the bank and then try to work and go to school.” what else. Thinking like this at 27+ is a waste of points. It’s true that other people are supported by their families when they go to college, but that’s because they have the means.

If your parents can’t support you anymore, then You have to support yourself. These are the parents who CANNOT afford to send you to school, not to let you go to college. The opportunity to change your life is time for you to take responsibility for yourself. Don’t think that forcing your parents to pay more to support you in college. more”.

Hoang Nguyen‘s account: “If you become a public citizen, borrow money according to the state’s support policy, then slowly repay it after graduation without interest or fees. . At 27+, your mindset is so boring. Instead of complaining about your poor family, why don’t you find another opportunity for yourself?”.

“At 27+, I think it won’t be difficult to find a career At a certain school, the tuition is reasonable. Instead of thinking that because of something you have to give up your dream, try to find the right thing to pursue your dream.

I myself am currently studying at a low-cost school, regardless of the major. This school is not NV1, it is not my original goal and it is not the best, but fortunately it is “the most suitable” because not everyone who graduates will go into the right field. Alive Alice account .

According to Vy Nguyen‘s account: “If your family can’t afford it, you shouldn’t go to college. Dreams require money to make it happen. Or you have to be very good.” to hunt for scholarships of all kinds. Many times when I’m passionate about a certain career, I’m overwhelmed because it’s not what I thought it would be and then I end up dropping out or I still have to pay the course debt before I even graduate If you don’t go to college, there are many other ways to succeed. If you’re passionate about learning and exploring, maybe you’ll find another passion. Don’t put more burden on your family for yourself.”</ p>

Account Mai Thuy: “My parents can’t try harder but I can. When you do your best, you won’t regret it. It’s not because you don’t have money that you don’t study.  I’m also grown up. If you want to decide your life, you must be responsible for it. Parents are just supporters.”

Account Phan Manh compared: “In foreign countries like Europe and America, after the age of 18, students are “kicked out” Then, if their parents support them, they can go to work and borrow money to study, so after college, many people still have debt.”

Tuition fees become a barrier before the university gate?

In addition to the opinions that this young person’s thinking is still “slow”, many people believe that in the new school year 2023 – 2024, the Government allows universities to implement a roadmap to increase tuition according to Decree 81. Immediately after that, many universities and institutes announced tuition rates for the 2023 – 2024 school year and a roadmap to increase tuition fees each year. This has put pressure on families with children who have passed university entrance exams but are financially struggling. tight again.

Account Ho Tien: “A student who just left school still doesn’t know what society is like. Not to mention bank loans to support studies require parents. Now if parents don’t represent them to sign, no bank would dare to lend to students. Each family’s situation is different, your thinking may be right to criticize this child, but it is not suitable for the other young person’s situation.”

Similar opinion on the account Bach Nhat: “Banks only really support students with near-poor certificates or poor households, but for students in difficulty, not every family can be granted a certificate (due to all kinds of conditions), so banks do not risk the same. Interested in lending?

Monday, overtime money is only about 3 – 4 million/month (depending on the amount of study during the week, depending on the field “some have full-time courses”), so how can you afford not to cover billions of things? Tuition, boarding, food, electricity and water… There should be more practical advice and solutions to balance survival and study.”

According to B.K.N‘s account: “If you consider it logically and emotionally, it’s very complicated. Actually, plowing to re-study for yourself is simpler, but many of you also have to shoulder the burden of supporting your parents to raise younger siblings, which is difficult. Therefore, the above solutions are very difficult to implement or it would be selfish to do “G.H.Ngo account.

” 18 years old 27+ is only above Stop reading books and work part-time. At this age, you can’t even afford to pay rent, rent, and tuition when you’re a tutor. If you study at top schools like medical schools, business schools… when universities expect tuition to increase by 15 to 20%, it will be even more difficult.

I can definitely pay for this on my own.

Navigating a new land is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT and RISKY, if not foolish, if you don’t plan carefully and know who you are. I affirm that because I also had to go to work and go to school by myself… (of course my experience is still young) so I know how difficult it is to take care of many things at the same time” account Duc An