9 common real estate scams that are the easiest for people to fall into

2022 is a year real estate market has many unusual fluctuations. However, the attraction of real estate investment has never ceased to be attractive and many scams still occur regularly. .

From the actual experience of a legal consultant, lawyer Doan Trung Hieu (Hanoi Bar Association) shares with Dan Tri common forms of fraud takes place in 2022.

Fraudulent buying and selling of real estate through micro-licenses

This form of buying and selling of real estate appears a lot during this period. Recently, by taking advantage of people’s ignorance about the form of deed by scammers selling them illegal plots of land that are not legally subdivided when making handwritten sales contracts with people. This land commitment has a certificate issued by the granting agency. This has brought great risks to people and it is possible that people will be deceived.

In essence, a certificate is not a type of contract or transaction but a document issued by the agency. Bailiff established record of conductthe lawsuit is used as evidence during trial and in other legal relationships, not as a legal representative with authority in real estate sales.

Misappropriation of deposits

The market has recently seen many cases of drawing project “ghost” on paper to lure hundreds or even thousands of people to quit The money going into the project is not real. Typical cases include Alibaba Real Estate Hoang Kim Land Company’s attempt to appropriate customers’ deposits.

They often let brokers call and invite customers to come to the location to see the land, but in fact it is regulated land. Plans for public works have not been approved for any projects. Projects with eye-catching landscape plots drawn on paper have prime locations but are introduced at prices much lower than the market value, causing many people to be trapped.

These subjects often believe that Land brokers organize land viewing events in the field and then “display” scenes of people jostling to buy and sell, sign contracts and pay money right in front of people viewing the land to create “hotness” for the project.</ p>

Aproperty house land but sold to many people

A house sold to many people is probably a common form of fraud. The above method is quite simple, but if people do not pay attention, they will easily fall into this scam trap. First, in order to gain your attraction and trust, these subjects will post real estate for sale at prices much lower than the market price with full authentication documents, photos, books… along with attractive invitations. Instructions.

After approaching the customer, the scammer will give you many specific reasons to lure you into depositing money or partially depositing money but only writing a handwritten commitment. In the same way, scammers continue to take money from many other people, a very large amount of money and run away.

Normally, buying and selling with fake books or fake documents will target both buyers and sellers. For the seller, the scammer will act as a home buyer and need to look at the book to get more information from the book to authenticate. At this point, scammers will take advantage of that information to create fake books and records. The next time they meet, this person does not pay attention and switches between fake books and real books.

For the buyer, the fraudster may be the land owner or just the authorizer. They will create many sets of fake documents to sell this real estate to many different people at the same time.

Playing the role of real estate buyers and sellers to push up prices

When people are planning to buy a piece of land or a house but are hesitant Because the price was too high, suddenly a person claiming to be a tycoon came to ask to buy that same land at a much higher price. And to create trust, this person also deposited a large amount of money for this person.

So they enthusiastically deposited money immediately to buy that land and house without thinking much in the hope of getting You can sell it back to the other tycoon to make a profit. And in the end, people fell into the trap created by the tycoon and the seller. They have to buy a piece of land at a much higher price than the market price and even have legal problems.

Fraudulently buying real estate that is being distrained

This is an ironic case when people buy a house from someone who is serving a sentence. Between the time the court pronounces the sentence and the execution of the sentence, these people will find ways to quickly sell the house at an attractive price to quickly get cash. They will then disperse this money instead of executing the judgment as requested by the court.

Fraudulent purchase of land to plant rice and rice land will lead to residential land

In many cases, people are looking for land to build a house to live in but are instructed by the seller to buy high-priced cropland and rice land with a commitment that they will notarize the title transfer and convert it to residential land within 3 months of signing. sale contract.

However, after more than half a year of paying 98% of the land value, there is still no sign of the land registration book, and the land has not been licensed for construction, so the investor disappeared. The buyer holds on to that piece of land forever while having to rent a room every month.

Fraudulent selling of housing in a project without a bank guarantee deed

According to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 56 of the Law on Real Estate Business: Investors of real estate projects, before selling or renting out houses to be formed in the future, must be insured by a qualified commercial bank. assume the investor’s financial obligations to the customer when the investor does not hand over the house on schedule as committed to the customer.

In Clause 2, Article 56 of this law, there are provisions added: “The investor is responsible for sending a copy of the guarantee contract to the buyer and the lessee-purchaser when signing the purchase-lease-purchase contract.”

However, many customers go to buy apartments to form assets. In the future, they will ignore this document without knowing the benefits.

According to Clause 4, Article 56 of the Law on Real Estate Business: Customers who buy projects are guaranteed by a qualified commercial bank when the investor If the investor loses financial capacity or is late in handing over the house compared to the contract, the guarantee bank will refund the amount the customer (if they are required to) paid and other amounts according to the contract.

Impersonating a reputable investor to trick the sale of land

This is not a rare trick in the market. A series of large, reputable investors have had to speak up about the situation. accused of brand impersonation. Accused many individuals and organizations of setting up websites impersonating companies to commit customer fraud.

They illegally used images, false documents about the project and recorded phone numbers. fake phone. They even posted information on behalf of the project owner to receive deposits and place reservations and offered a selling price much lower than the investor’s expected selling price to trap gullible people.