West Lake – The place where the quintessential values ​​of the heritage land crystallize

Where spiritual energy converges, prosperity lasts

Located in the North, surrounded by the central neighborhoods of the Capital, West Lake is a large lake. best in Hanoi. This place has witnessed and preserved legends and evidence of the formation and development of Thang Long – Dong Do – Hanoi for more than 1,000 years.

With the land position, it is said to be dragon. “West Lake is suitable for farming, convenient for transportation, fishing, green water all year round, fresh air. For more than 1,000 years, even before King Ly Cong Uan moved the capital to Dai La citadel, the location south of the lake has been chose to build Thang Long Imperial Citadel with the desire to “plan forever for descendants”.

Through the changes of history, the land along West Lake has always developed. This is considered the The cradle of famous craft villages throughout the capital. From silk brocade, Nghi Tam, Trich Sai… to Ngu Xa bronze casting and famous rice and flower villages, all create the unique and elegant cultural features of Thang Long – Hanoi.

Today the villages have been upgraded to wards with modern and synchronous investment in infrastructure. Poetic roads are built around the lake, large streets connect the lake area with the city’s core urban area.

The place where living values ​​crystallize right away In this heritage land

That living value is more than 500 hectares of natural water surface and dozens of hectares of green trees providing a fresh living environment for residents. With a low population density compared to urban districts (about 6,800 people/km2), infrastructure in Tay Ho is not under pressure like in many other districts.

Meanwhile, scenic values landscape – ecology and culture – history and a system of festivals associated with craft villages are preserved. This creates a space imbued with heritage in the middle of West Lake.

What else? It’s even more wonderful to immerse yourself in a peaceful space imbued with ancient cultural sediments, enjoy the fresh air and beautiful natural landscapes that are rarely found anywhere else (Photo: CapitaLand).

The West Lake area also benefits from a well-planned transportation network that helps residents easily connect with the city’s new administrative centers… easily and conveniently. Many international organizations, 13 embassies and many 5-star hotels and large office buildings have chosen this place to locate their headquarters, creating a new vitality for this prosperous area.

Villas and apartment buildings spring up in harmony with the rest of the ancient villages that have become the gathering place of a modern residential community. This place is chosen by Vietnamese and international residents as a place to settle down. West Lake therefore becomes the capital’s international exchange center, a place to connect cultural values, expand cooperative relations, and open a new flow from the origin of the West Lake land.

West Lake is one of the places that many people choose as a stop when looking for a prosperous living spaceliving values ​​in the inner city. This is a place that both preserves heritage values ​​and is a point of national cultural intersection and international integration, as well as the harmony between humans and nature.