Monthly Archives: June 2024

The investor continuously breaks his promises, Imperial Plaza residents are tired of waiting for the pink book

Investor keeps breaking promises, apartment residents are tired of waiting for pink book Residents report that investors continuously break promises According to reports of many residents living in project Imperial Plaza 360 – Complex of housing, public services, offices and schools at 360 Giai Phong Street (Phuong Liet Ward, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi) 43313 Investor […]

People who withdraw social insurance once will receive price inflation compensation from February 15

Mr. Vinh quit his job at the beginning of 2023. On February 5, he received a decision to enjoy one-time social insurance with an amount of more than 28 million VND for 34 months of participating in social insurance with an average salary of nearly 4,000 VND. 8 million VND/month. Looking at the calculation table […]

Pink painted cake for brokers of The Nosta 90 Lang Street project to attract customers

Broker offering   According to the investment policy decision issued by the Hanoi People’s Committee for The Nosta Duong project 90 Lang (Nga Tu So Ward, Hanoi) was built on an area of ​​3,439 m2 with a total investment of nearly 800 billion VND. The project’s operating term is 50 years from the date the competent […]

2 ways to pay social insurance and health insurance online

Participants do not need to go directly to the social insurance agency or service organization authorized to collect social insurance and health insurance, but can pay and pay voluntary social insurance and household health insurance online in 2 forms: through the Service Portal. (DVC) Vietnam Social Security or National Service Portal; through online applications of […]

Request to correct violations at Binh Xuyen Eco-Cuisine Village

Constructionofunlicensed construction onagricultural land ep According to the Notice of Inspection Conclusion dated August 28, 2020 on land management and construction order on the site In Binh Chanh district, Binh Xuyen Eco-Cuisine Village has a series of violations in converting land use purposes and building without permission on agricultural land, pond land, and canal land. […]

Single Vietnamese mother married a Pakistani man: 4 years later, she unexpectedly returned to her husband’s family

He’s so handsome” Signing the divorce papers when her first son was just 1 year old, Ms. Tran Thuy Trang (38 years old from Lao Cai) wiped away tears and thought. about the unsteady days that followed. Ms. Trang had to suppress her mixed emotions to earn money to support her children. At that time, […]

Pensions need to increase by at least 50% of the civil servant salary adjustment!

Definitely increase pensions! Discussing the plan to adjust pensions from July 1, Mr. Bui Sy Loi, former Deputy Chairman of the Committee The National Assembly’s Society emphasizes the principle that, in addition to salary reform, it is necessary to make adjustments salarysubsidies for retirees, meritorious people, objects of patronage society. This is institutionalized in the […]

String the fish, basket or fishing rod

But thousands of billions of VND in investment are focused mainly on fish strings or baskets, while fishing rods have investment, but lack instructions on how to fish. Look The economic infrastructure in mountainous areas such as: electricity, roads, schools, stations, markets… which we often call “baskets” is clearly better than rural areas in the […]